Some of you should take this advice, You are making the pandemic an excuse to over indulge, Drinking to excess will have repercussions. This advice is meant to make you understand you are not doing...
… in support of Gypsy Roma Traveller History month - and some people aren’t happy. Helpful or not? Time they stopped...
And has been since about 4pm. We’ve had a lovely day, dog got groomed and looks like nothing on earth now, maybe an ugly little spider monkey..but he’s our little ugly spider monkey and needed...
just the feature wallpaper to put on tomorrow, glossing and other walls done, now keeping an all black Cockapoo away from the gloss so we are ensconced in the spare bedroom going to eat Chicken curry...
Good morning everyone - and after another chilly night, we have a beautiful sunny day ahead of us ....absolutely the best for getting out in the garden, surveying the mess and heading straight back...
No counter protests, I thought gatherings of more than 6 people were illegal.
And a vigil for who.?...
I'll probably cook some salmon, either with some steamed broccoli and beans, or a mediterranean tomato-based stew.
What's amusing your bouche tonight?...
part of my Annual Leave. Had a lovely long lie-in, coffee in bed, doesn't get any better. Dave and I going to do the shopping later, Kate will come with us but stay in the car, safest way I think....