Right, so Im kinda getting close to this bloke - there has been lots of flirting, texting each other and a couple of drinks together. Its becoming quite clear that there is a spark between the 2 of us...
Sorry about that but had to post some sort of question so the ed would not ban this. Here you go leg my man pics of benidrm and we were supposed to have a sea view and the first pic shows our sea view...
its saturday so lets all ahve a laugh remember that saturday is tiswas day lol lets have some fun wheres my mate knobby ? hes comin to the reef for a few bevvies lol : -)
a drag artist with rather long, erm, besooms!! It was in a club, and the artist went among the audience who were in stitches laughing. I've been struggling to find the clip again. It was posted here...
just to see the preferences amongst yuo. if you dare to answer ; -) boobs big or small? mans dangly bit big or small? sex hard and fast or slow and gentle? lasting relationship , or casual fun ? less...
i am an air hostess and in my training i was told i could not fly once pregnancy was confirmed. now that i am preg, my company are telling me i can still fly with a doc certificate. is this right?
if you could spend 1 hour today in a totally different place. where would you spend that hour and what would you do? anything goes. keep it clean though ; -)
following on from my beggar or prostitute post i thought what if you were working in your local ASDAS for example , but could be tescos or even m&s for the toffs here. what if you had the choice...
going to the bank today i saw the girl from the begging family . now ive mentioned them before.they are professional beggars. the thought crossed my mind.shes not what id calll attractive or...
when you know they have so much to tell you, but you just aren't in the right frame of mind to listen? I am feeling like this with someone who has, it seems, taken over a good bit of my life in the...
Everywhere i go people banging on about how bad they are and everytime one immigrant commits a crime they are potrayed as a race of villans? please people have some sense ive made a little list of...
Morning all........ had a text early hours of this morning,my two best friends,which luckily are married to each other have just had a baby boy called callum. Question is what shall i buy the baby? Or...
Take your dog to work day, a speak like a pirate day, so i am naming my day today a slap a fat person round the chops with a wet kipper day. whats yours
now its commonly accepted that love is one of the greatest felings yuo can have . its an emotion and also an expression of how much you care for someone. everyone at some time in their lives loves...
Hi there It's my birthday next week and i'm getting some GHD straighteners. I have seen those new MK4 ones, but also lots of others. What are the best ones to get. My hair is long down my back with...
just saw the trailer for the latest prog with billie piper in it . secret dairies of a call girl. well matron whats that all about ? must be in on time to watch that. any other guys looking forward to...