This morning a truck went past me with a builder in it and as it got closer the driver was staring at me so much I actually felt like telling him to keep an eye on the road! But... it kind of made my...
Who else feels poorly today? I have the mother of all hangovers and my sniffle has blossomed into the worst cold of my life and I have had to come into work, can anybody give me any sympathy or relate...
Do you,like me, change your opinion of ABers on a daily basis ? Just read the thread where Joe_the_Lion would donate to the RSPCA, and find that despite what he has said on here in the past, I like...
following on from champagne's message, can you think of any yourself? let's get our own lil dictionary goin! how about: boob carriers - women linen lagging - when you walk behind a chick who's wearing...
Why are there so many fake people online?Now before you get riled im talking about folk who attempt to disguise themselves , for whatever reason , and try to mislead folk and abuse and insult them...
I hate the town i live in it seems that it is hard to make friends here. I live in the states in the town that i live in out of the two years that i have been here i have meet maybe two people. I know...
1. he is a *********** 2. he is a *********** 3. he is a ************ 4. he is a *************** etc etc etc you get the picture Fill in the asterisks ( won't be difficult)
hello everyone. i have been wundering why some ab users use numbers in there names. is it because they have a reason to the person or are some people happy to be numbers?
at 52 sick fed of trying to pay the bills, cant afford anything not even a holiday, how many hours to i have to work to have some sort of lifestyle, so given up now, i want to get out the rut and...
Now its Friday.........does that mean we are stuck looking at this blee*ing question all weekend? There's been soooo many complaints you think they wouldve moved it by now! No disrespect to...
I am wondering if anyone has a way of achieving the same results as the nose pore strips by making your own, they are so expensive to use daily! Sellotape doesn't work, I tried it already! lol
i want to break free i want to break free i want to be from ab coz im getting so fat sitting on my bum eatting lots of junk on here everyday . . what do you all want to break free from ? i wish that...
My day was going fine, not good but not bad either until lunch time when when I ate a youghurt. I took the lid off but it was made of a foil like material and when I went to lick the youghurt off the...
CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE? i am off work on the sick at the mom , due to illness obviously , but whilst i have been off work , i have looked for another job and got it ! the question is , my current work...