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I have a wife and two young children, (5 & 3) We would like to get a dog as a family pet, we would like to get a puppy so as to train him and get him used to family life from a young age. The...
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Allen Crisp
How much exercise is good for a four-month-old Border Collie, do you think? Two miles a day, three, or what? There's a lot of conflicting info about.
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why doesn't my dog bark? he makes noise when he yawns but i haven't heard him bark. he is 9 months old now!! thanks
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andrew kelfo
I have a 4 year old who enjoys splashing about in the pool and is confident in water. I am considering swimming lessons for him but wondered if I was just as well trying to teach him to swim myself....
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i know i'm sad but i can't help it! does anyone know ehn the Joey series is goingt o be shown over here? also what channel will it be shown on? i really miss Friends and i want to watch the Joey...
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What does DFS (furniture retailer) Stand for? also do you know what the following stand for: HMV TSB WH Smith MFI
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Hi there, Any suggestions for my BF's costume for halloween.  Needs to be scary/horror like and a film reference would be good. Cheers
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i have been breath tested by police and had 41 mg of alcohol what will i get
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ok, i would like to grow some carrots(think thats how you spell it) and i don't have any soil in my garden. just gravel! it'sot our house either so we can't really change anything. can anyone advise...
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I dont get on with my neighbours on one side my neigbour Mr b has erected a fence with a climing plant which has now grown over and is causing a nusiance do I have any say as to how he should tend to...
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I love chocolate Brownies but i need a really good recipie for them! Does anyone have one? i would really apprecite it!  
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Rock Mommy
I have 3 female cats, age 13, 8 and 6.  The older 2 are fine, loving and upstanding (as much as a cat can be) members of our household, but the youngest one is starting to seriously hack me...
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i'm going to a wedding in a couple of weeks and i'm looking for soemthing to write in the card, like a poem or a quote or something? please can anyone help! cheers chickens!
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This weekend I intend to close myself off and stay indoors all weekend and watch 1000 films with my fella. What foods does everyone love to eat during a massive film session at home?
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when is it a good time to let your dog/puppy have a bine? i mean like to bone from a leg of lamb? my puppy is 6 months old and i would like to let him have it. any suggestions anyone?
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is there a minimum temperature for a normal working environment? e.g an office

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