It makes these REALLY loud bubbly noises at night and the gas man did it once when he came to fix the boiler but it has returned. I don't want to call him out just for this. I live in a flat and we...
OK why do doctors still go by those ridiculous height weight charts they take no account of body composition. I haven't been my "correct weight" since I was 14. I go to the Gym 4-5 times a week, Rugby...
My parents say they have purchsed their house but have left 1 pound outstanding on the mortgage to hold the deeds securely in the building societys vault. Is this usual practice, what happens when...
Just been reading that 4 pints in one session is considered "Binge Drinking" What? I wouldn't bother going out for 4 pints, I've got a mate who will limit himself to 4 pints if he's driving. Anyone...
i have been offered 100 % green electricity surely this is not possible as it all shares the same cable on pylons am i being ignorant if so please enlighten me thanks very much
Hi, i have always known that for some reason, wanted criminals can move to rio de janero and this makes them 'untouchable' i just dont know why. Can somebody please give me a brief explanation to help...
If pub landlords refuse to serve drunk people because 'they've had enough', should fast food outlets refuse to serve fat people for the same reason? (This was on the letters page of the currect issue...
I got married to a soldier and spent nearly 3years abroad. He convinced me to use all my money and savings up to pay some of his debts. On top of that, he treated me quite bad. Trying to put up with...
My step father wishes to adopt my brother and i. The thing is we are both adults (23 & 28) does anyone know if this is possible or can you only adopt children?
Just seen the news. Pubs that sell food: no smoking; pubs that don't/private clubs: up to them and even that will take years. I just think they've missed an opportunity to follow suit with Ireland...
Some years ago whilst sat in a physics lesson I was told 'you can't make energy from energy'. My reply was (as I always have an answer for everything), what if you have an electrically powered car and...
I am experiencing great fianancial problems. I am struggling to pay debts and reached crisis point. My car is a hefty ?153 a month and i really need to give it back as I cannot afford it. problem is i...
I ask this question because my parents are always tutting when I say I am travelling abroad; to see friends or simply to see other places on this planet of ours. I am self-employed and I work enough...