5d) Reconsidered Carol's opportune suggestion (15) I have ??u?t???r?p?s??, and 12d) A young man's upset about damages in religious building (9) I have d?a?m????, I cannot be certain that the letters I...
I think if I had 22a it would get me going, the clue is 24, so much legal aid is free 7,7. I only have ??c????/??????s, sorry. The clue for 24 is I'm in a psrt but not female 5. I think the answer...
Can't get this bit, help please. 15d) Bishop given free drink in Dorset location (8) I have ?r???o?? and 16d) crime writer - my, my! - has suppressed first of novels I have ?o???e??, these two would...
21a) Liar circulating evil gossip abour adult (7) I have ??a?i?s , 24a) Parental excitement at start of such? (9) I Have ??e?a?a/s and 26a) Carefully checked piece if writing that's penned in French...
17a) Two drugs for eccentric (8) I e?c????? 20a) Two quick rhymes for child's play (6) I have ?i?e?? and 15d) Oddly missing lost piece of a certain organ (4) No letters at all i that one, sorry. All...
13a)employing expidition, primitive Homo's found by leaky (outer parts only) (8)I have u?g?????, and 2d) It's just terrible losing face(8) I have ?????f??, and 25a) Doctor isn't bothered about Spain's...
19a. Old fellow's warning about mum in shallow water. ?i?s?o?e. Possibly something shore?
6d. Contemporary British artist, one resident in Southern French town. ????l?r...
19d) reluctant to communicate going round big American university workshop (6) I have s?i??? and 23a) Island home needing companion (4) I have ?n??, the last letter of 23a) is the 5th letter of 19d)....
13a)Like french author rolling about in a stupor(9) I have p?o?s?i?n and 21a) Paganism put pressure on English king (9) I have ????h?n?y and 15d) Gulf state supports wicked act, taking eastern land...
16d) see 27 (6) (answer to 27 is author) I have ?o???n, and 21a) Imperative, perhaps, to reverse judgement (4) I Have ??o? . The first letter of 21a is the fourth letter of 16d. All help gratefully...
7d) Lonon theatre has American singer appearing with former pin-up (11) I have ??b???a???? and 24d) Drug courier, one going on foot (4) I have ?u?e, I can only think of cure, but if so, why? All help...
21a. current trouble among married people (8) I have m???r?c?
and 17d)What'shalf of a very large number? (Novel conundrum)(8) I have ?r???m?? , all help gratefully received - thankyou....
5d)Visible to all, tiger is this annualy(2,3,4) I have ??,t??,???n
14a)High up person with wan son, born to be outsider(8) I have n?????s?
All help much appreciated, thankyou...
These three would really help please, 18a) Department seems impartial in conflict (5-9) I have a?p?s-?a???????, 5d) One name cropping up when taking in rubbish such as celebrities? (10) I have...
17a) Three Degrees split by parts of deal in small-time American Club (8,3) I have ??s?b?l?/??? 22a) Experimental garment? It's altered a lot, including 13 (3,4) ???/?o?? (I have ABC for 13) 26a)...
2d) Analysed article dominates working (10) I have ?n???c?s?d 18d)Conquistador, cold,with nothing turning up round rear of forest(6) I Only Have C????? 21a) an attitude returningto one that's badly...