Had one the other day ,first time in years! I thought they had a sachet of herbs in the box to sprinkle on top ..or did i imagine it? Cos there wasn't one in mine!!
following on from FNG henrys post, what would you ladies do if you had a willy for a day? My wife would spend all day p!ssing in snow, (writing her name etc) and on the toilet seat etc
in the 70s as a man utd fan, we used to sing to the opposition fans" you`re gonna get what general custer got. what really hapened to him, does anyone know?
I can't believe what I heard on our local news earlier, I am English and live in North Wales one of the top cops here does not want to see the English Flag on cars in the area,what a prat,he can get...
Have you or anyone you know got a weird phobia? I was reminded today whilst looking at some incredibly cute signets about a work colleague i once had who had a fear of fluffy yellow chicks! How could...
Why is dining out in british pubs such an insipid and uninspiring affair these days. They have jazzy menus, but anyone can see that in their postage stamp sized kitchen all that they cook is the...
is it just me but i think he just looks joe average yet my wife wets herself if you only mention dirty dancing let alone his name so whos right please help
Probably not the right site but does anyone have a large file photo of the New Zealand flag flying they could e-mail me please. I've finally arranged my holiday pictures but need the flag as a front...
So do u think Grace is more hated than Sezer? Personally i hated Sezer, but i think i hate Grace even more now. Her face, the way she walks, the way she talks, the 2 faceness, the way it doesnt effect...
My husband and I were executors and did all the work to sell the house and sort out the money. His share was transferred to his bank account and then we didn't hear from him again for over a year.In...
my friend is going away for the weekend and she has been given these clues to where she is going 1. Fish2. world cup (soccer)3 dbp4 a king once gave this place to "the men of Bristol" help its driving...
Is anyone else having a pants day today? Mine started off really awful by being tripped up getting on the train, falling head first in, hurting my wrist and knee and losing my shoe under the train!...
i CANT beleive her last night, blaming everyone else for bitching when she was the one who started it. il defo be voting her out this week whos with me???
Watching B/B late and live: Sam: Does he/she ever stop talking? Shiney or what! Grace: Crying at the moment, has she gone too far with the stirring and getting worried the other's will cotton on at...