Custard Creams are the UK's most popular biscuit ........................................ ugh! Can't stand them; much too sweet! My favourite is wheatmeal digestive or (only occaisionally mind!) plain...
Following on from bobbi's thread, the good old days weren't that good. Things I don't miss are; No central heating, outside toilets, tin baths in front of the fire. Being battered at school by the...
WE WAS BRUNG UP PROPER!!"And we never had a whole Mars bar until 1993"!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1930's 1940's, 50's, 60's and early 70's ! First, we survived...
http://www.dailymail....ster-Phil-Woolas.html So Home Office Minister Phil Woolas son's education has been damaged due to Labours immigration policy, he can always afford to employ someone to give his...
I'm gonna sit over here in the grumpy corner whilst all of you marvel at the sunshine and enjoy the love-in
If anyone wants to join me, tough I'm in a sh1tty!!...
Without going into all details ect as we would be here for quite a long time, I have begun over about the past 3 or so months, to slowly stop seeing my Dad and thinking as to why, there is no reason....
Did you see Carla Romana interviewing celebs after The Oscars today? Not only were her questions as inane and stupid as ever, but she butted in on interviews by other channels, screamed at passing...
With regards to the recent allegations against the monster Venables. Jack Straw is now saying that a trial would only be fair if his real name is not disclosed. I am appalled. First, he serves just 8...
What a lovely day going to see my first grandchild today I have not been this happy for a long time but looking forward to helping out and babysitting nappies etc isnt life wonderful !!!!!!!!
Hi all! I have just spent a good hour cleaning up my back garden. Figured now the sun is finally out (hooray!) the kids may want to start using it again! I know this is a bit gross but there was cats...
in pakistan. its funny how the dad took him there and then he gets kidnapped, is this another plan to make easy money from us stupid gullible british, or is has he really been abducted...? i do wonder...
A guy buys a packet of flavoured condoms - mixed flavours, raspberry, banana, etc. He says so his wife, "Let's play a game. I put one on, and you try to guess the flavour." She goes under...
19 yr old fathers his 8th child by 8 different girls, his first baby was when when he was 14 and his attitude..Why the f*** should I pay for them, they get well looked after with benefits! everyone of...
What exactly do you think this means? personally I think he will be in some secure unit and will be isolated from everyone apart from a few trusted professionals who are sworn to secrecy, therefore...
If he is allowed, who will pay the IVF treatment costs at between £4,000 and £8,000 each time? Or are they really looking at the case below, which brought in a nice £18,000, if they...