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an annual literary festival in oxfordshire ?e?l?y any help much appreciated
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8d big plant splits stone in road ?t?e?t street?but cant see why.Any help appreciateed
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1a in panic lift chewy biscuit ??a???c? 9a look like rebelsd ordered to seize the centre of bremen ??s???l?
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cant get my head round a few 5dturn plug and needle g?a? goad?26d Artists unknownin former portugese colony?o?a
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cant get my head round a few today 5dturn plug and needle g?a? goad? 19a make sense of river without fish d???d? deduce? 24a uncertain moves after jack leaves i??? 20d people with sore throats,you...
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stuck on one 35a French name of a port in northern france on the English channel b?u??G?e sur-mer any help appreciated...
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12a loose dress caftan of kaftan? I think either is right according to google.
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stuck on 2 18a judge on horseback welcomes the french drink j?l?p julep? 27a victor is in dreadfuly poor condition p?o?i?o. any help appreciated...
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26a I wear a dinner jacket working for a neighbour ?d?o?n adjoin? Thanks for any help...
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12 ???????toad m?d?i?e 24a by no means- not by a long s?g?t is it sight? never heard of that saying.Any help much appreciated...
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stuck on2 22a athlete wears it running to and fro b?b bib? 18 touring clubs,Mike Yarwood at first took this in fun m?c?e? mickey?...
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17a annual test and french composition in church m?t?? match? 18d old hairstyle for best granny perhaps ??p?n?t any help much appreciated...
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22a hurry to check growth n?? any help much appreciated
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4d court action about bribe government ignored ?r?d?n?l any help appreciated
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17a ready to take off fashionable clothing ?n ?e?r in wear?
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which of theae two can be paired, skate, lobster, queen.
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16a start to turn corner in dispute ?a?g?e I can see haggle but not why,any help much appreciated
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Does anybody know if the income to the National lottery increased when they put the ticket price up to £2,or was it offset by the large number of people and syndicates who stopped taking part....
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21d limp returns during very poor dancing d?o?p? droops or droopy?any help much appreciated
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word su-doko have completed it says the letters in the green squares spell a word .What green squares?I cant make a word any help appreciated

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