26A- Japanese art of folding paper ?l?i?a?i 30A- Musical chord consisting of a note and the third and fifth above it t?i?d Thanks for any replies in advance
Really stuck on last two 14d - decorative piece of cut glass 16a - Ancient Greek one sitting poem Really stuck must be the wet weather rusting up the old brain cells .Help much appreciated
Last lot 40a - uninhabited british island in the n.atlantic R-C-A-L 6d - dark, long necked bird similar to the cormorant -H-G 7 and 4d - archipelago at the southern tip of south america -I-R-A,...
Do you feel lucky ? Or inspired ? Can you guess Monday's links given saturday's shaded solutions ? Noboday has managed 4 out of 4 yet, could this be the week, and might you be the one ? We have an...
I hope you don't mind me posting this last reminder for this weekend's Links game, if you've not entered yet and would like to do so please click on this link:...
13a crticised about including one in set of a number of items..(7) d?t?i??..hope all my letters are correct. Was doing well on this but stuck on last few. Also conservative mad with powerful...
38 and 42 across :- actress whose film roles include Lee Holloway in Secretary ( 6,10) 9a Edna Ferber novel featuring the character Kim Ravenal (4,4) 15a horse that won the 2003 King George VI Chase...
Just can't see two which cross each other. 20a Places to wash in old city harbours ?A?H ???L?S 18d Henry's ship swaps parts for herb. I think 18d is rosemary but can't think why. ???E?A?Y Any...
I know Peke was suggested for 11A, but using that I can't find an answer for 6D - Shown in by the old woman occuping - -S-K-E- Also 23A is evading me. Stopped after "the holiday was wet"
stuck last one. 6. open spring lock with strip of thermoplastic l?id only word to fit is laid and I have never heard of it in this context. can anyone confirm or help,please?
I only have two clues to do so would be very grateful for any help 3d Native of Swiss canton v????is 8a Quantity twice squared bi???d?a?ic Many thanks in advance for any help
south african general secretary communist party 1984-91 3 and 5 _o_ s_o_e
grammatical structure 2 words joined with conjunction to express 1 notion 9 _e_d_a_y_
Why is everyone always kicking lumps out of Mike Mepham? I thought the Telegraph Crossword Editor was a woman and Mepham was the sudoku czar. Would someone please enlighten me?