As I was driving up hill a car pulled out from parking space whoch made me brake and horn to make driver aware what he had done. Three parents were stood on kerb watching. Driver braked in front of...
I have had only 5 solid hours of sleep, can you believe it since my Polly was born. Still no proper name, but she is amazing, and i just cant get enough of her, wish now i didn't have to share her...
Living room and everything else is finished, and looks awesome. However, we wake up this morning to a drip in the ceiling, bang in middle of living room!!! i could have cried, it seems its not...
painted one side of living room magnolia, chimney breast will be wallpapered (do not know what wallpaper) and the walls on sides of chimney breast have metallic silver. Do these colours go? I like it,...
I want to buy a small flat screen television for the childrens bedroom, with a freeview kind of box. This is so they have their own space and can watch cartoons. I have a very small budget, to...
Rejected my ppi claim....stating that my ppi policy was suitable for me. I am arguing that although it may have or not been suitable, it was sold to me without my knowledge. I'm angry because I have...
I'm confused as to what link these two have? Several people I saw today at school gates said David Cameron caused this by letting gay marriages happen? If he changes it around, the country will get...
I have a few questions. 1. What is the main cause of a heart attack. 2. What causes the tubes to get blocked. 3. what does the stent do? and what is it exactly? 4. After a heart attack, what are the...
I mentioned that he had a stent on Wednesday in my last post, he is home now. He is a smoker, drinker, and has used drugs socially most weekends. He is now getting sweats, and feeling hot flushes. I...
cushions/covers. I would love that. I like the little grove garden wallpaper that was in janines living room in eastenders...the colour with silver in it. If I buy it, I would want cushions matching....
I am changing my fire, and the gas man has told me all fires need flue liners. They are pretty expensive, so If I do need them, is there somewhere I could get them at trade price. I am getting a hole...
Got a call at 10pm to say my brother was taken ill into hospital in an ambulance with excessive sweating, pain in left arm and jaw pain. He was in and out of consciousness and went all grey looking in...
Is there anything I can do to speed things up? or have an easy labour. I'm going for vbac, and I am pretty sure its not going to be straight forward, although I hope it will. When is it safe for the...
Why do the last 5 weeks drag. I am so fed up, its unexplainable. I have this really numb horrible back pain, had it all day, yesterday I had headache all day. Baby is fine, moving like a mad child. I...
I opened back door to get my mop and saw this big thing run towards me, growling, i quickly ran and shut my back is massive, and i swear it would have jumped me/bitten me etc. So glad it was...
Want to surprise my kids and buy them one to share. The thing is the only broadband I have is via a dongle. We have no how do they access it
Thank you...