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Red wine stain out of cream carpet
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What was the chocolate bar in the 1990's (I think) which was milk chocolate in a kind of lattice shape, with chocolate mousse inside? It was in a cardboard tray then a wrapper as it was quite...
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I used to like Nescaf? coffee well enough. Nowadays I think it tastes pukey and can barely drink it. [ prefer Carte Noir]. Do you think Nescaf? have downgraded their product or is it just me?
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How many dumb blondes does it take to make chocolate-chip cookies? p.s. anyone out there in ABland think there should be a ( good, clean ) joke section?
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I have 2 old Radio control transmitter/receiver sets from the US. One is on 27 MHz the other 72. Which if any is legal in the UK ? They were pretty good in their day - for serious R/C planes/cars etc....
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Does anyone know how many properties are sold in the UK each year, by month or week and ideally by region. Equally how many properties are for sale at anyone time in the uk.
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From a personal satisfaction standpoint what is the most rewarding work experience you had recently? For me it was organizing and having a Xmas party for kids in a local hall as part of my job.
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Having tucked into a big bowl of Chicken Noodle soup to cheer me up, what's every one elses favourite comfort food? What do you eat to make you feel better when your down in the dumps?
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I recently read this term regarding a hypothetical manuver by North Korea against the United and Great Britain. Can someone out there decifer this term? Thank You
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Who is Joey Buttafucco? What did he used to be, and did he do something wrong? Slightly more specific question (for all you friends nuts out there), why would he have hurt Joey and Chandler?
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What is this?
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Does every one know how to play this game?? It's fun and easy...all you do is take your first pets name and add it to your mothers maiden name and this gives you your P0rn star start it off...
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During the scenes in 'True Lies' when Arnie gets to grips with the harrier and kills the bad guy my wife remarked 'I didn't know fighter planes were so maneouverable'. Has anyone else's partners...
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Im trying to work out what to do in my as level french oral and for once im lost for words!!!!!weve got five topic areas to choose from food and drink health and fitness schools and education news and...
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I just got a new (well new to me anyway) car today and i'm still trying to decide on a name for the beast....So i'm wondering what the other 'bankers called their wagons?
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Ive heard people say that things like 'no, Its too cold to snow now', but is this actually possible?? Can it really be too cold to snow and why??
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Would anyone like to join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to.................sft42? Have a great day sft! Don't forget, you're as young as you feel!! Flirty xx
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Does anyone know why Disney periodicaly withdraw certain films and re-release them a few years later - my wife is an avid fan and cannot get hold of Cinderella anywhere and it has apparently been...
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what is the drink horchata de chufu made from
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I am looking to buy a lake within the South, for around ?40k, with a view to creating a fishery...and cannot seem to find anywhere that specifically deals with lake sales, merely land in general. Any...

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