Are there ANY (!) circumstances in which you would not stand by your real friends ?
If so ... what would be your idea of a "true friend" ?
Just wondering !...
basically my partner and i had a huge fight over my jealousy, and it led to us hitting each other and i provoked him we throw some very personal insults at each other and my patner tried to suffocate...
Listening to a phone in debate on my local radio station at the moment about angels. The guest speaker has just stated that you need to be half asleep or half awake to see them or to communicate with...
OK im pi$$ed.
ive had a crap life, got a crap job and i feel crap.
tomorrows going to be no fdifferent from today
its all fookin crap
Have had a bit of a trying evening trying to sort financial and tax stuff and all that kinda thing, it's really not my strong point! Too many numbers and Excel and I don't get on! I'm fine with it to...
should it be for people to be "to old" to drive anymore??? my dads 87 and frightens the life out of me when i see him driving around at 3 mph??, the wife tells me everyday that i should take...
We've had a restful few days away and had a lot of fun. Now it's back top reality. . . whatever that is! :-) It's a cloudy old morning here. We could do with some rain though. Have a happy day...
I live in a 'flat' - it is on the second floor and top/attic floor of a building. My combi boiler and my kitchen are on the second floor and my bathroom is on my third/attic floor. The cold water tap...
I got a tattoo on the inside of my right ankle yesterday and went to work (i'm a waitress) and ever since igot home it has been so sore i can barely walk on it. Is this normal??? I have put A&D...
If I think that something of value has been taken and then sold, am I allowed to go to the shop where I think it's been taken and see if they have a record of the person whom I think took it? I don't...
Hey all! Hope you are all ok, didnt really know where to post this, so here I am looking to find out what you guys would do! So, I split with my ex in February, we are still kind of on talking terms...