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Apparently "our delusions of granduer at winning the war are a greater cross to bear than German guilt over the Nazis" - So Nick Clegg would rather we lost the war and presumably would have...
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http://business.times...rt/article7104467.ece Yet another British company taken over by a foreign company. Will this mean more British job losses?...
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AB Editor

Time to take the pulse of the AnswerBank newsgroup. I have included several smaller parties as requested.

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The polls are looking terrific he's even ahead of Labour in some and no one doubts he won the leaders debate. Trouble is there are 2 more debates and no doubt Brown/Cameron will be trying to ambush...
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jake-the-peg I didn't realise this - I must have nodded off at some point - I'm pretty pro-EU and I've not decided myself! What do the resident Tories here have to say...
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1. Was grounding all flights, Health and Safety gone mad? 2. Should the Airlines get compensation off the Government (Taxpayers)?...
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A 30-year-old man whose body was found at an Ipswich electricity substation was electrocuted, a post-mortem examination has revealed. Jonathan Ehlert, from Ipswich, died in Ransomes Way on Wednesday...
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A little late, so I apologise if this has already been posted. Interesting article! Opinions?...
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As I understand it if Labour comes 3rd in the General Election behind the Tories and Liberals then Brown can remain in No 10 providing he has support from the Liberals. Is this democracy? Surely the...
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DNA can produce proteins that give it form and shape but what gives it the ability to seek out a target when formed. Is there really a sixth sense?
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Will the chaos caused by the repatriation of Brits from continental ports, be a heaven sent opportunity for more illegal immigrants to get into this country?
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my 10 year old nephew---- 1. Why does the earth not collapse inwards , as people dig things outlike coal and oil.And as the weight on the surface increases with more buildings and people.? 2.If you...
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Should Gordon Brown have acted sooner to prevent the cloud volcanic dust from smothering the UK?
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After the debate should we back Nick Clegg now as a man of the people.? He is one of us isn't he ? Just look at his family tree Noble Russian dynasty, father head of a banking house , aunt a Baroness....
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Is it my imagination but ever since planes have been banned from flying over the UK the atmosphere seems cleaner? I know that 20,000+ft up we have the remnants of the icelandic volcano whizzing by but...
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The Tories need the biggest swing vote for 80 years, and they need to win marginal seats. There are 20 key Tory/LibDem marginals. On last night's performance, the LibDems are polling 14 points higher...
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what are the 3 main parties' pledges on dealing with immigration?
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Well I'm watching it and I have to say, Cleggy is kicking ar5e, as a Tory I know regulars will consider that high praise indeed.
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// 77 leading economists from around the world backed Gordon Brown over David Cameron in the election’s key economic argument. Writing to The Times, the economists argue that Tory plans to axe...
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My calculator is a Casio fx-81, unremarkable except that I bought it in 1980 before I went to Uni and what's more remarkable is that I only changed the batteries a few weeks ago. Still does the...

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