i had the worst ever nightmare last night that i was bowling with my bf and my 2 yr old son. my son went missing i searched everywhere 4 him and found him being raped in a disabled toilet it was so...
Hello! Would you consider someone you knew either arrogant or vain if they were considering applying to a model agency or should they wait to be "spotted/scouted" ? Thank you in advance, c~s
I would have said good after noon but its poring down hear I got a gas bill ?220 i have got flu and the next door nab our is hammering away making a new shed . he started a 8am this morning and hasn't...
Whilst the missus was going thru a CV of a prospective employee she found this in the personal statement. "I expect to get good grades in maths & English, but I'm hoping for an extinction in drama :-)
Hi all Could really do with your advice on this. I've posted on here before about my boyfriend getting really stressed out. I really want to help him but he doesn't say much, until tonight. He came...
No probs, I've been discharged from the clinic and don't need any further treatment!!!!! what a relief!!!!! Now if they can just sort my feet out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post of the week. If I won the ?60 marks and sparks voucher I would tell the nice new ed on here to donate it to children in need. Now I need all of your backing on this one and I need everybody else...
im sure i saw a recipe on here for a fruit cake made with mincemeat out of a jar - now ive bought the mincemeat and i cant seem to find the recipe! i'd be really grateful if someone can either give me...
what you all up to tonight? I'm off to a 21st birthday party. I am told she's to have a stripper?? :0/ I'm going to leave you with a tune, need to go and get ready! Behave yourselves! xxx
Was in a town earlier stood near a woman with a small child. The woman was effing and blinding and called the child a c**t and s**thead which was bad enough. She then said she could see why the woman...
just to wish my lovely friend a very happy birthday , she is 50 years old today ( sorry drissy i aint rubbing it in lol ) hope you have a great day and a brill party tonight xxx
I have managed to dodge the vetting system on here and get through and have even overided the thing that says when you first join on here. Hello knobby... welcome to the answerbank, as a new user you...
On itv 1 now. Apparantly 100 years ago the average life span was 50 today it is 80 and by the end of this century they reckon the average life span will be 150. Well would you want to live to that age...
Girls at West Kent college have been told to stop whistling at builders. Staff issued an email to students warning them that anyone caught sexually harrassing the builders would be subjest to...
Mariah Carey seems to be queen of diva's, wonder if she ever reads whats written here in the uk about her, or do you think her lackies keep that from her, as she seems to get worse not better!!!