15d Silence before one's final bet, with Greek leader playing for time. (8) I have S?C???N? .......... but these may be from the answer to this clue after it has been altered? 21d Best agent promoted...
9a Chivalrous scenarios to reveal poet (7) I?I???O 3d Bet favoured by Bahamian golfers (6) N???A? 16d "... caused the islanders to love more nearly [sic] the - they had lost " (Louis de Bernieres) (8)...
37a By way of example, the Pharaoh surrenders Egypt's last military fortification (5) RE?AN (There may be a misprint in the defn or an extra letter in the wordplay) Also wondering about the wordplay...
All done apart from 2 in top left : In each clue a letter must be added to or removed from the definition 2d They rise from dearth of wine - practically press for recipe. (7) ?ELI?O?...
Each defn has a single letter misprint 41a Sea water's temperature dropped - pray for the fisherman - answer may be 4 or 5 letters. Just guessing that the defn might be pr A y? 28d One absorbed by...