25a James's prince, without hesitation, is a friend (5) A?I?? amigo?? 22d To depart suddenly with pen and name a lively novelist (5) E???E Last letter of 25a = middle letter of 22d 9a Playback man's...
Can anyone help please with the phrase that the 17 misprints spell out. I am missing about 6 of them, but the ones I've got don't "read any sense" Also stuck on some clues: Some clues have a misprint...
2d SI unit tailpiece in a discussion brought in to the fore (5) CATA? 27d Is it over the top when involving king's head? (4) ?OKO 25d Reach harbour, circling east, not north (5) HEA?E must be heave...
4d Scene of terminal solution to dangerous ambition of senior soldier (6) S?N?T?
5a Scene of confronatation of poet by Charles Martel - paradise or paradiso??...
4d World leader's departed from game, standing up king (6) A?T?U? must be ARTHUR but how does it parse please? 6d Seeds not ecactly doubles outsiders at the outset (5) C?C?? cocoa?? 11a Is indebted to...
24a Get line and net (5) LE??N learn? 21d Apart from bass, brill and dace tanked in front of shop?(6) ??CUDE (apologies if these letters are wrong - wasn't sure of a few answers in that corner!)...
Full grid but need help on one parse please: Extra letter in the wordplay in every clue; 38a Fixed cage about divinity (4) I have G?EA so I assume it's GAEA (the extra is "C") but how does the clue...
7a Distinct part of larger whole cake served in clubs? (7) ?U???I? 2d Revised clue at 2 down? A little censorship won't upset - 4 deleted, not allowed (8) ( the answer to 4 is focaccia, but does not...