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Shadow Man It is not a usual youtube sh!te!!!!
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In the UK, can shops round a sub-total amount up i.e 63p to 65p!
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What little things make you laugh? Things that you KNOW noone else would find funny so you keep to yourself? Go on, try sharing them! My favourite at the moment is a business in town. They're called...
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heres the question to everybody . answer after me . this afternoon i willl be ....................................................... fill in the gap.
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makes you want to dance?? This is mine! e=related&search=
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I have been taking the Yasmin Pill for over a year now so I guess I should know these things but I have just always wondered the following: When you are on the Pill, is it actually safe to take it...
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And who are the horrible ones ? I joined a few weeks back but have been reluctant to post because of the hostility that generally greets new posters. It looks to me as though a handful of people have...
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Did anyone watch the falling man on channel 4 last night? I found it to be a very thought provoking programme. I didn't realise that the relatives of those who jumped to escape the flames would prefer...
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that start with the letters 'dw'. Quick, name them before this qu gets banned from this category.
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Going to orlando on Saturday, should i be ringing anybody up to confirm things ie airport, hotel, travel company?
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reading the posts today it appears theres no need to ask out a women anymore. sex is given freely and without much emotion either. if you have a one night stand expect sex , its a given btw.if you...
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Following on from this post elationships-and-Dating/Question452331.html If you have a one night stand does that make you cheap?
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Haven't been to the Dentist for 9 years - because i'm so scared. I've finally made an appointment,& terrified about going. What will happen ? How can i stay calm ? I always Panic & cry my eyes out....
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directory enquiries and says," I'm looking for John Smith" The operator says "we have a lot of John Smiths listed, do you have a street name?" the man says.. "Well my mates call me Jazzy Fizzle but I...
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Sorry, I'm sure I'm annoying people with this by now as I posted the other day. elationships-and-Dating/Question451499.html Anyway, he swears blind he...
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If you've been seeing a girl for a while, do you make the assumption it's exclusive or (if the opportunity presented itself) would you see other people until it was understood that it was? If it's the...
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aka pixi
it is considered rude and offensive to call someone who is overweight fat but it is seen as okay to call someone who is slim skinny or chuck comments at them like 'ya need to get a few sarnies down...
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how do you decide if youre going out with someone? is it a spoken word thing? like asking them out ? do you decide to sleep with them , IF youre going out with them ? Or do you sleep with them , then...
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As anyone tried this new mascara? Its brill, does exactly what it says on the tin !!! Its a comb instead of a brush for application so it doesnt clog. Its on a new offer price just now too.

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