Does anyone own a PAT dog and if so can you let me know what the assessment entailed please? I have had a look at the website but I was interested in hearing some first hand...
I have loaded a few bits of video from my camera onto my laptop. I wanted to send them to a friend but even when I try to send one, a message pops up to say that it can't be sent as there isn't enough...
I am trying to buy a funny maternity shirt for my sister. Before she became pregnant she liked to wear 'slogan' t-shirts so I think she would like a funny maternity one. I would prefer it not to be a...
Is there a way to find out what the electricity bill should approximately be for your home? We moved house a few years ago and I think that our electricity bill might be higher than it should. Is...
My father-in-law has an aol email account and has recently got a new laptop which has changed him from using xp to vista. I don't know whether aol has changed or it is his move to vista but it seems...
A friend of mine has put concert tickets up for sale on eBay however we have noticed that he has made a mistake and has put the wrong date on the main title for the item. We tried to edit the listing...
I am trying to get rid of the smell in a freezer which was switched off and left with food in it for weeks. I gave it a good scrub but there is still a smell lingering. I had a similar problem with a...
Has anyone got any ideas on how best to tidy up a badly stained cutlery drawer please? It is a cutlery tray from an old campervan so buying a new replacement isn't an option. I have tried scrubbing...
I am trying to find fragrance-free cleaning products ie general household cleansers. I don't want to pay a fortune and it would be handy to be able to pick them up with my regular shopping eg at the...
When I am on my feet for a while, the middle toe on my left foot starts to feel painful, tingly and as if it is going to cramp. Anyone got any idea what the problem might be? Thanks.
I was updating my windows messenger and am now in posession of a windows live toolbar just below my normal google toolbar. Can anyone please tell me how to remove it? Thanks.
I have recently bought a very old straw-filled stuffed animal but his fur could do with a bit of a clean as he is quite dirty. Is there a safe way for me to do it or should I send it to a specialist...
Over the last year I have been out walking every day approx 1-2 miles. However my legs always feel stiff and sore the next day. I thought that this would ease the more I walked but it doesn't seem to....
Have I lost my sense of humour or has comic relief? I am a big supporter of this charity but I think they have lost their funny bone this year. Their recorded pieces however are beyond tragic and...
My silly little terrier mix has problems with her paws. After we come back from walks, her paws seem to be very itchy. Initially I thought it was nettle stings but even when we walk places where I...
Something weird has happened to my screen and everything is huge! I have tried changing the screen resolution but it hasn't helped much. (I have also tried turning it off and on again which is my...
I was watching this on telly last night but fell asleep before the end. I saw it as far as them breaking back into the prison but can anyone let me know what happened after that please? Thanks.