Just a couple left, any help would be great.
42) grow for display 7
80) blooming Miss Potter? 5
I think there is a Lily Potter in the well known books but number of letters threw me...
Think I'm probably being a bit dim..........
24 across: An advantage over in America _G_I_
I'm sure it should be "again" but I din't understand the wordplay!...
The solutions to these cryptic clues are jobs.
Start with bread, all kinds, especially rolls
Old Americans upset with sad loss
Seen if James runs back
With fish in Wales...
Have been googling (yes, I know haha!) after being copied in on a letter from the hospital with some blood results. My vitamin B12 level was 208 (MCV 97 - have other figures for stuff but not sure...
finished the rest but stuck on one. 19. Across. Chap joins church to enjoy being persistent. 9 letters. The letters I have if correct are L?E?H?I?E. I'm baffled. Help appreciated.
17a Pole's small bit which sticks out (5) STAN? 32a Either of two short books about special Apostle (5) ?UDA? 23d Having -, tip of nose's relieved we hear (6) ?EE??D last letter of 32a = 4th letter of...
25a (6) Somehow, one feels I hold out the smartphone to take this snap
I have ?E?F?E ******My best sho is neafee but its not making sense to me
Any help appreciated
If the above annoys...please ignore...I have no other way of contacting and I know no other adult to ask. 237.....When you had your grommets put in was it absolutely necessary to have someone with you...
Can anyone help with following: 21a Gun man run in (4) (-O-N) 25a Hold up or press down (4) (-M-R) 1d Former worker in the theatre (7,7) I have 'classic/shOwMan' however think I must be wrong (2nd...