I want a larvitar with curse, and I know that first I need a turtwig with curse and breed it with a tyranitar or pupitar or larvitar, all I want to know is if it breeds a turtwig or a lavritar and...
Looking for Star Wars Lego wallpaper or border to match a kids duvet set currently on sale in this years NEXT Directory! Not having much luck on eBay or online? Anyone know any stockists - either...
1. Is unfaithful to the cricket team. (2) 2. Do we order English Literature at the bookstore? Sounds like it! (3) 3. Another dog salon around London, I hear. (2) Last 3 of l00 in the quiz. Any...
I have an epsom printer which doesnt like other peoples cartridges ie Tescos own!! Is it a general problem and is there anything I can do? Thanks for any help.
How can I check my talktalk upload allowance, I can recieve videos etc of fair size from others and forward no prob. But I find that when I want to upload a video of 67.7mb, it runs through the send...