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Did anyone find a tea spoon in the washing up bowl when they emptied it this morning?
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what makes you angry?
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Some people will never learn!!
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Now look what you done!!!!
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For tradey... Hope everything goes okay at the doctors today, hun. Thinking of you xxx
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which ab do u feel u are closest to, and share a bond with. ? and why? xssx
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Just going on from my previous post, I thought Id dedicate the question to its own post. Has anyone a list of things they want to do before their 30?
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when i first came to this site i expected some fun and humour most of the time i have not been disappointed, but have just replied to a post in the law section and i am soooo angry that in our country...
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why does it hurt? why does it make you feel sick? why does it make you so confused you can't think straight? why does it give you some of your happiest but some of your hardest moments? how can it...
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hi guys i havnt been for a number 2 for 4 days ?? i dont usually suffer with my bowls and ideas how this can be caused!
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were to grant you one favour, what would you ask ?
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OK so if we were all given the opportunity to sing and dance infront of the judges: a) what would u sing? b) what would u wear c) would you dance?
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how many calories does a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes have, meduim bowl with semi-skimmed milk? thanksx
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sorry dont no why question is banned but just like to say thanks to evry1 for answering my question, let u no how things go. x
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on saturday night my bf didnt stay over at mine which he usually does, so on sunday i woke up and thought id have a big tidy up did my ironing and stuff, then my bf rung me up on the phone and asked...
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how old are all you ABers? I'm 39 - oh my god 40 next year........aaaaargggghhhhhh
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Hi there, i am putting together stockings for christmas and have run out of ideas. Just wondering, what do you put in your partner's stocking? And what could I put in his?
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i wanna curl my hair tomor for a party im going i usually ask a mate to help me do the back. now she cant help me any ideas hoe i can do it alone?
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just had a phonecall about an hour ago telling me im going to a party now i need a new top does anyone no if they have any nice tops in george asda as thats the only place i will have chance to go to...
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what she said just pete instead of aisleyne

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