With your best friend ( Mr B) and soak up the rays , we only had three drinks but it was most enjoyable + a smell of BQs permeated the air on our walk back, We both don’t do BQs, dislike them with a...
I managed a decent enough FIVE out of seven on the adult quiz this week https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-57341232 . . . but barely scraped by with just TWO out of five on the junior one...
Seriously, what you got to offer me? Or is it a case of what I can avoid! I'm deadly (excuse the pun) serious. But what can your belief system/religion/spiritual tradition/ offer me except a free pass...
I was hoping to post semi-regular updates about what I'm doing, partly because it's good to keep AB science active, partly because it's helpful for me to think about what I'm doing, and partly because...
About two weeks in to my time in Croatia, may as well post an early non-science update. This is partly because about 90% of my active time has been spent sorting out endless paperwork, to join the...
this is an appalling story, and one that should be out in the open, upwards of 250 thousand women over three decades forced to give up their babies, because they were born out of wedlock. I watched...
Do any of you know someone with an unfortunate name? A classic example is someone my Bruv knows whose first name is Clem and surname Royds (say it together n sounds like haemorrhoids!) I my self know...
Gemany have banned Brits from entering their Country. because of the fear of Indian Covid Spain are allowing Brits into Spain. I can see trouble ahead for Spain. Why can't the Brits just go to...
We are very much pro-monarchy but are thoroughly sick of seeing his photo and reading about Harry Wales and his problems in the newspapers daily. He apparently wants anonymity, let's give it to him....
Can it really be Friday again already? Where does all the time go to, I ask myself? I scored a decent FIVE out of seven on the adult quiz this week https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-57183679 . . . and...
Are Norwich council really that stupid to commemorate the death of a violent career criminal.
my brilliant nephew is graduating today. problem is he lives in America, so ill have to watch the you tube livestream, second problem is that because of the time difference it'll be when im snug in...
This morning I was presented with an online ad for Lasting Power of Attorney which included in the opening blurb "Despite the importance of a Lasting Power of Attorney, more than 85% of people in the...