30a Italian city to secure ancient hotel (4) ?ARI The wordplay yields an extra "N" Bari ? Italian city..parse? I can see the specific location to highlight (8 letters?) but unsure of the equipment... ...
8d Conveyance, half to do with the kitchen, we'll collect in the vestibule (7) S??C?L? last letter possibly i 10d Pip displaying depression when book opens (4) L??S 23d West Indian is hanging... ...
Good evening, a very smooth Doc offering this week! I’m done except for the Unclueds. As I do not possess Brewer, I’m forced to use my wits and Google, as well as the red squares, to see how many... ...
From the answer to each clue a letter must be deleted wherever it appears before entry into the grid. Definitions rfer to full answer...wordplay to the mutilated answer. 6d Fish in France and... ...
All but 1 of the clues either have an extra letter in the clue OR have an extra letter in the wordplay... 8a Lovely item covering rural birds (4) ?I?E 12a One caught cutting spiked chemical compound... ...
Good evening, a tricky puzzle to keep me thinking while I await the Spectator! I’ve got quite a few of the Down clues from which, I assume, no extra words must be removed like for the 20 across clues....
11a Robert the poet, filled with strength by a supporter providing inspiration (5,6)
F?N?Y / ?R????
1d Father initially pampering his older sister in Aphrodite's city (6) P????S...
Number of letters not known ( 4-10)....jigsaw grid...so basically blind solving Simian really losing head in area with many trees Persian queen sans husband hosted by reportedly wise listener in the...
Good morning, thanks to the hints, I’ve been able to find a few, but the following are still giving me some trouble. Unable to find three-letter review. Four-letter “design” noun, plan,plot, French...
Four clues contain a superfluos word and 21 have a misprint somewhere in the clue. 26. Wasted pound in meal for oven (4) ?OU? 32. In this respect he is missing kidney (4) ?E?? 33. King wins showing no...
22a One playing in a perversely popular kind of mode (6) I?N?*?
crosses with:
19d Former sailor's novel about a swindler's daughter, left behind in an East End place of worship (7) C?*?C?L...