A spin off from here : http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question1337286.html We still need (as a country) to save a few bob ... and the obvious stuff (scrap Trident, tax the rich, make companies...
Still can not get rid of AVG appearing as my home page even though I have done the tools / options and set Google as my preferred home page. When I turn off and restart AVG appears again !! Any more...
Saw this yesterday and haven't laughed so much for ages. Great cast (Robert de Niro, Michael Douglas, Kevin Kline & Morgan Freeman) plus a brilliant script. Highly recommended....
I am thinking of replacing my PC with a lap top but have been told to avoid windows 8. Why has it got such a bad reputation. Where could I get a lap top with windows 7 on it? thanks in advance for any...
Every time I open up AB I get, staring me in the face, a bald headed man with an expression like he's just s*** his pants and '5 signs you'll get Alzheimer's' . Does anyone else get this, and can he...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/public-mood-hardens-over-migrant-workers-8772739.html Should the government ban immigrants from taking jobs while a million British youngsters are...
I've just bought a shiny new laptop and I'm going to sell my old pc on. I'll obviously need to clean all my stuff off it before I do this. My question is, what's the best way to do this? Ps I'm not...
I am using FireFox and have recently spotted some unnecessary advertisements appearance on the screen with some popping up everywhere. Does this mean i have spyware on my computer ? How can I make it...
Blood and Sand. Anyone else watched this? I admit I'm late finding out about this brilliant series, but I watched episode 1-6 last night utterly hooked. If you've not seen it, and you like blood and...
In CClearner, in the Cleaner option there are two tabs – one is Windows and the other is Applications. Which boxes under those two tabs should NOT be checked? Also in the Registry option which...
just received a new modem from virgin ,,now this one dosn't have a usb connector ,it has a ethernet connector.as i share this connection with my wife . i was wondering if there is a ethernet splitter...
The clock on my laptop keeps losing time. It is not consistent and will inexplicably jump back days, hours or minutes. It happens even whilst I am using the laptop and it is plugged into the power. I...
I did a scan on the above and it say`s I have one threat on my PC which it can`t remove. `it`s called `Affiliate Tracking Cookie` Please advise what I should do? TIA
is there such a thing as a broadband splitter . at the moment we are using a crossover cable that work's fine, however if i want to do anything off line i have to unplug the modem connection and pass...
Is there any way I can get shut of the Live hotmail and go back to the basic? I've tried just typing in the ws .hotmail.com but still get the live thing. Many thanks