6d.most daring combination of underwear(7)b-a-e--
12a.contemplate water feature,with hesitation(6)-o-d-r
14a.country not in a mess(6)n---o-
thank you...
18a can be relied on for cash (8) s - e - - - - - 15d transport collection of books (7) o - - - - - - 19d easily understood that dulcie was endlessely muddled (5) - - - - - 23a painter with bowl for...
7d common land (5) - e - t - 11d contoured chart (6 3) I - l - - - / m - p 19a be filled (with) t - - - 20 a profound, sincere (4 4 ) - - - p / - e - - 18d further, addional (5) - - - g - thanks...
q1 which country has a name meaning land silver ? q2 how many time zones are there in china ? q3 only animal which has eyes which dont shine in the dark ? q4 how can you tell the difference between a...
I'm totally stuck on this one. Q 19 - an ancient war engine for hurling stones (8 letters) Must have some connection to the zodiac. All answers I've found don't fit the number of letters except...