13 ac Rank evildoers are misbehaving in opera (3, 13)
9ac Weller reserved in the manner of greeting (6) - a - a - -
25 ac Cordial group joining in a night that's unconventional (8)
it was a earky 90's HOVIS BREAD advert with a boy walking up a hill with his bike with a old man taking in the background saying carry my hovis up the hill!what i want to know is whats the name of the...
Hi, getting nowhere today. Answers please for6)across Come again? One bogey marred par round? That's clever (1,3,4 & 6) 1)down O'Neill claims falsely to have seized chief IRA boss (7 & 7) 8)down...
48. Hit; drug ( could this be smack?) 50. American; bet (should begin with a Y) I keep thinking yank, but that does not mean bet does it? Thanks for any help
3,8,3 letters- a film festival is named after him, but his real name was Harry. 7,6 letters-this childrens author could do amazing things with a pint! thank you.
8. Revue with elaborate costuming (7) 14 Reproof, reprimand (6) 15 People who lead lives of dreamy, indolent ease (5-6) 20 reimbursing (8) 25 Small stoneless fruit (7)
Tuesday and still struggling ! Must be "rain"-dead. 23A 'Best wine I ever got tipsy on'? (4,6) H?G? P?A?S? - all I can think of is High praise, but why? Also 26A Roll home about two...
Likely to remain fine in the south (3,2) s??-?a?? Newspaper job (5) ??e?t One pen erected for animal (5) o?i?? Ingenious bridge player to tne right (1,6) a, ?r???e Help; these are so hard.
I have one answer to find but not sure what this should be - I know someone can help! It would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. The clue reads: Queen's Counsel I have these letters - _ _ L K Could...
Sporting Anagrams 1. LEN HEN GOLD 2. HID LEWD OLAV 3. JOSE DOWLING A RIFT 4. THROW MAID 5. GURKHA MESH 6. MURPHY DASH DRIVE 7. GRUFF ETHOS Any help with the above would be appreciated. Thanks in...