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Hi All, this is my first posting, s 4 down LOESS, if so why? also is 17 down GOOD-SON? (sorry, a yank trying to do british puzzles)...
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12a Self similar ,repeating pattern F?a???l 13a A flattened circle E?l???e 3d Personality breakdown E?e???t? ???????? Ta...
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109A Leaves used for decoration G?I?N?R? Driving me mad as can only think of goldleaf which of course doesn't fit unless 4 other answers are wrong Any help appreciated...
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1 as known at first I get unruly mob to adopt stance of Henry viii 6. ???m?? 2 important question of offspring 5 I?su? 3 drink surrounding a boer encampment once 6 4 door open in the middle skip over...
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44a Most curly (7) ?A?I?S? (Zaniest?) Thanks
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last one 3 down 4&10 clue =reasonable yet elaborate charge for not having a tan fair compl???n?...
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27 across and 22 down the originator or manager ofa situation or system etc .. ???I?e?r and long garment usually WHITE WITH LONG SLEVES WORN BY EAST AFRICAN MEN . K???U
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1 a locks onto a second fabric (6) - - - I- R 8a fool uses last friend (4) - - - L 10a Large number in pack, a fleet (8) - - - T - L - A 12a stays in bed without rise, not I (6) - - - S - T 2d to set...
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13d,saW the digs collapse,s???t?t,17d,believer in growth industry,??n?a,16a,bully to pull hundreds in,????
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5d,not fully recognised,?n???r?c???e?,6d,risque,?a??,15a,return of cash,r?????e?t,23a,imprison pending trial,29a,declare positively,??e?,53a,visualise,s?a???e,54d,ornamentally embedded,??l?i?.
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13, one of them local 11 letters
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12a Hot hit - deadly for Presley (5) ?e???? Thanks in anticipation...
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Who gave President Kennedy a dog named 'Pushinka'?
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65d,shade of green,m?m?
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44d: Still drink made from a citrus fruit or syrup diluted in water: o?a?g? c?u??h 51d:Parasiticinsect: l?u?a Many thanks in advance....
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8 down 7 letters. Clue. Liquor -n-r-t- 7 down. 6 letters. Clue. Communication -i?-t-r 58. Down. 5 letters. Clue. Game -r-r-...
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85a - former county town in west of Scotland ?E???E? - thanks for help
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standing quietly the queen securing final covering for wound(s???????) (???????)...
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Stumped on Roulette page 16 - out of these six which is the odd one out - the answers whould be high street shoe shop chains.? Barratts, Doc Marten, Clarks, Schuh, Aldo, Taurus. Many thanks
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21a cranial cavity (3+6) your help please

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