I'm interested in the views of others. For the first time I did Saturdays DT cryptic in well less than an hour without having to look anything up and instinctively understanding how every answer was...
I wonder if Michelle on Corrie feels jinxed. First she loses her husband in a Road Traffic Accident, then she loses her older brother in another RTA and finally, loses her other brother in yet another...
15d - Tear-jerking account from bishop in urgent appeal to politician 3/5 - s**/*t*r*
10a - Way halves may gey transported in this presentation 4 - *e*o
All help appreciated.
last one assuming 8d) is sheradon? for the lady split on furniture designer (don't quite see how that works) 15d) barred network on american football field -R-D-R-N
Help! I got a parkign ticket last night. Admittedly it was in a bay but with doubke yellows??? but the sign said restrictions only applied during certain hours - the time i took note of was 6pm cos we...
There is a large morgage outstanding on property No.1. Currently there is a mortgage holiday on this property - the holiday expires 1Q2009. There is also a morgage on property No.2 There are...
20d endless train? 7 letters. I have no??t?p. 6d one turned left at present time. 4 letters. I have r?el. I think I must be wrong in both cases - minds a blank. Help please.
My friend's grandson turned 16 last week, her son has been paying maintenance since him and his ex-partner split a few years ago. The grandson is joining the Army next month and my friend's son wants...
12a it is designed to raise ones standing in the hotel li?? ??lift 10d it lets you know theres a rough time ahead ???r? signal 24d worked unceasingly on ballet movement pl?e 25d mixed double portion...