Hi all anyone knows who Walkers Crisps potato suppliers are? or do they have their own potato farms? I would like to know everything about their potato sourcing/supply. if you can provide me their...
some folk ======================= have been =======================================================moaning************* about ==============scrolling ???????????i say &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& wtf...
I'm not having a go and just asking nicely but can you stop with the big spaces in between lines please. people will soon get bored of having to scroll through it all. The poems were bad enough.
theres a big debate on about "all the folk using scrolling " . and the fact that its " not just legend ". so im asking again who are these other people ? ive been attacked on here . but where are my...
its been fun. but ive had my chinese and now im gonna lie down n watch some tv.have fun here folks and i will chat manana. alll the best hugs to the lad and orktaviarse missin u already...