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that zeus gets a life? thank you regards bob
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He used to be my favourite but is he boring anybody else now?
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i could not belive her last night what a cow! making pete feel sorry for her by bringing on the water works oohhh i hate her so much leave MY PETEY alone!!!!
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I just noticed that there is now a tag in place saying if a post has been edited, rather then the the reply just being removed (leading to all sorts of confusion and hilarity) When did that start??...
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best player so far in the world cup? Fernando Torres for me.
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i would go for italy after todays actions. hang your heads italians.
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Those dirty diving cheating bunch on nancy boys - what a crappy way to win a game: they get stuffed out of sight by the Aussies so decide to go to ground without being touched. The ref was in a good...
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How bad for you is diet coke, i have read the can im drinking as i type this and it says theres zero everything (sugar,fat etc)! but people have told me that its still bad for you, is this true??
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Can anyone tell me which would be the best fake tan that would suit my pale, dry skin and dark hair. From Fake bake or St Tropez. With previous self tans I do prefer a lotion rather than a mouse. I...
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which do u prefer lol"! ;o)
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ok i know it is filmed so many weeks in how do they manage to sneak in the scores and portugals red cards in the world cup? thank you xx
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help im in an argument witha sexist man give me sum support hurry up cos this post will be banned pleasse thanks guys!xxxxxx ion252357.html the last few...
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Can I suggest that we all just grow up about the whole Sexy Russian, Zeus, Cobra, Bob the Turkey, MargeB, Lord Lucan, Shergar,some other poor fucker scenario and let the AB Ed get on with making some...
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does any one else think the aussies were robbed with that penalty? coz to me he dint deserve one (93rd min) ps. belive and we will win!!!! goo england!
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Would you say you are a bit stupid or do you think you are quite clever?And would you say you have good moral values? I think I am academically clever and have o.k common sense but terrible moral...
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Havent seen our favourite bald headed referee in any of the fixtures - has he retired?
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what a guy i think he is the next wayne rooney (then wayne rooney) he gave his all in them last 10 mins or so yesterday what a guy he gets my praises. Also i cant understand why they have taken theo...
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why have the powers that be said that Italy MUST wear blue shorts and white shirts? whats the prob with blue shirts and white shorts like they always wear?? nice to see they havent done so, they are...
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never a penalty in a million years. frickin refereeing this year is abismal. the ref was knackered and didnt want extra time. cheating ba$tards. nuff said
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my sister has an exercise ball, but she is now pregnant, and wants to know what exercises she can do on it. does anyone know a website that has some on? thanks (i may put this in parenting too)

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