8a an awfully long time5/8 ?A???/ 11a difficult situation ,darn it !4 ??L? 18a snarls when one bungles it 5,2 ??U?S/?? 26a don't betray each other though given a pasting ?5,8 ?T???/ many thaNKS
16a set out to knock back designer drug 7 ?T?R??? steroid? 22a hard to get right in container 6 T?O??? 10d canada's lived off treasure chest8,4 seems like anagram of canada's lived A?A?D?N?/C?V? 14d...
2d she's knocked over beer around bridge opponents5 E?E?A first e may be wrong if 1a is not 'pErnod'-at theatre ,professor knocked back liqueur 24a great deal of money for a worn-out car 4 b?M?...
5d writer who's taken,again, to drink 8 ends t?R 6d not fair to a pretty girl on set acting 9 ?????N?S? cover up for the fool man 6 C????? 7a a sailor therein-abaft 2,3,4 last word ??A? thanks
hurl the baronet out of 1990s TV inn 9,5 H?A?T?U?N/????? heartburn seems to be the only fit? 24a make trailer not very heavy10 T?R??????? throwaways?throwbacks? 22a heath to leave his boat by net...
i'll split my half with her 4 L?L? lala? utterly exhausted with a sore foot ?P?? a help if the pump's a bit stiff 8 ?H???E?? an outlaw gang-italian6 ???V?? thanks in advance-then i can get some sleep
have a care,silly|he is in pain7 ?A?A??? should the whole lot puff out,nothing's wrong 4,4 ???s/???? run,injured, the half mile6 ?U???? understanding it's something desirable by the yard 6 t?????
usual kinds with the large base7
catch employees outside ladies' accessories 8
given the chop,was a computer expert 6
that so-and-so getting on the b-boat8
thanks-last few try to use different route to sea??T????attempt but why? time to get castle in italy?in a way,understandably 7 T?C?T?? plant in the bed4?E?? weed? boy turns up holding tail of hairy...
devotee,although proclaiming i'm a procrastinator ?8 ??O???E? from top branch each stem could yield these nuts9 B???H???? gather the agent will appear around midday 4 R?A? fuss over small part old Bob...
battle through chrissy presents5 ?P?E? plain physician swallowed by fish 6?U?D?A tundra?????? kemp's drama series is from camelot,if true 8,5 ?D?I?A?E/???C? fiery mep,deter trouble when following...
distributing lagos car fuel 5/3 ?A???/??? oil? girl putting spaniard in pot ?A??????? 9 pip's whereabouts?points to Goddard 9 ???????T?lisa something or great expectations? neutralising unruly occult...
am now half way with your help,k,now need another little push! training for a sweet group?9,6???????E?/???R?E one point about loose relatives 7 ???T?E? mother and aunt designed a loose gown 6 M?N///...
doesn't care for work that's mediocre 6-4ends in e food provided by naked babes-canned5,5?????/???N? hands off this plant 5-2-3 ends in l i think 'times ' fonts right in new edition 10 ????????w?