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Be honest now   You haven't bought a pillow case for years, have you?   Those ones you are using are from before the turn of the millennium.
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What's yours?
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Surely it's time to demolish it.
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I see the BBC is having to make more cuts. How about shutting down Radios 1, 2 and 3? There are so many commercial stations doing it as well or better.   I used to listen to Radio 2, but have... ...
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Until recently you could make Google maps go to full screen by swiping up on the search bar. This no longer works. Does anyone know how to get full screen?   Second question, why do Google keep... ...
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I was watching Call My Bluff on BBC 4 this evening when I got all nostalgic.   Do you suppose the kids today know that drinks used to be sold in cans with no ring pull?
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The BBC say he would have been dismissed if charged while employed. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
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How are the executors of an estate expected to identify gifts over the previous seven years? Do they literally have to trawl through bank statements? With the modern paperless world, there might... ...
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Which yellow coloured oil is obtained from the castor bean? Answer given - olive oil.   ...and that was from The Chaser!
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Do you think turnout will be low for the election, and who would benefit if it is low?
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On their 6Music show, Radcliffe and Maconie just suggested a couple of overweight tribute bands. KFC/DC Showaddlewaddle.   Can anyone suggest any more?
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Am I alone?
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I notice that the brewers are now having unfiltered beers as part of their ranges.   Is this because it is better in some way, or does it pander to lazy workers or boost the brewers' profits?   My... ...
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I'm bored with the whole thing already.   Is it acceptable to spend the next six weeks watching Homes Under The Hammer and A Place In The Sun?
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Does anyone smoke pipes any more
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Did you remember that you have to produce photo ID to vote today?   Boris didn't. He was turned away.
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Is it going to hit us?
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Word of the day. It's such fun to say.
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The problem. My elderly mother has a carer who comes in partly to plate up her evening meal, but this require Mum to put her ready meal in the oven at the appropriate time.   With her advanced years... ...
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Lovely, isn't it?

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