UPDATE: We found a couple of bugs when we rolled out the update last night. We've "rolled back" the new features for the moment. Thanks for your patience.
We've got some exciting news: The AnswerBank will soon (Monday 9th May) be allowing users to log in and validate with Facebook.
This should make accessing the site easier for a great number of users. We're always trying to make it easier for users to access the site, and this is one small step towards making the site more accessible to everyone.
We're aware there are bound to be questions about the service, so we've prepared an FAQ & Staying Safe Guide which may answer a few questions.
This is also the feedback thread where you can ask questions and generally discuss this new feature.
Remember, this service is entirely optional, no data from Facebook is stored and there is no indication that you have logged into The AnswerBank or Facebook publicly on either site.
The AnswerBank will see a series of small and gradual changes like this one over the coming months, we hope you'll join us in in welcoming these improvements!..
All the best,
AB Editor