ChatterBank12 mins ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/20 12552/M igratio n-Labou r-depor tation- migrant s-crimi nals It seems that 75% of a plane full are security staff and the ones that are going are getting paid £3k... ...
Between the big changes in planetary weather and the Earth's core thereby enabling all of these green taxes to be abolished and normal life to be... ...
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 4378975 /Lord-M andelso n-Brita in-seiz e-new-o pportun ities-p ossible -Brexit .html It seems that Mandelson believes that we should embrace Brexit, as there will... ...
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 4378961 /Ed-Mil iband-h umiliat ion-mil lions-t axpayer s-cash- power-p ml More wasted money on the green folly ...
https:/ /news.s story/s imon-vi ckers-d ad-who- claimed -teen-d aughter s-death -was-fr eak-acc ident-j ailed-f or-at-l east-15 -years- 1330417 4 It seems 2 of the jurors did! Unbelievable! ...
Tough action on illegal immigrants will cut the ground from under them, Reform that is.
https:/ /i.dail ymail.c /2025/0 2/10/08 /950463 29-1437 9849-im age-a-3 1_17391 7666015 8.jpg captions please 'Wayne Rooney is Back and Misses the Brexit Net?' ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/uk/2 012135/ albania n-crimi nal-son -chicke n-nugge ts Albanian criminal scum not deported because his kid likes Britsh chicken nuggets! You couldn't make it up! ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/20 10506/L ucy-Pow ell-cha gos-fur y-loses -it Why wont they just tell us why we are giving something away and then agreeing to pay Billions for the privilidge? No... ...
//For nearly 160 years, the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution has established the principle that anyone born in the country is a US citizen. But as part of his crackdown on migrant numbers,... ...
https:/ / ews/art icles/c 98yv3e1 yyqo
/> 25% on all steel imports including from mexico and canada. this comes less than a week after the president agreed to postpone tariffs for a month. ...
/> 25% on all steel imports including from mexico and canada. this comes less than a week after the president agreed to postpone tariffs for a month. ...
https:/ /news.s story/t rump-st yle-vic tory-th e-aim-f or-euro pes-far -right- as-lead ers-pra ise-us- preside nt-at-m adrid-c onferen ce-1330 5562 I might be in favour of closer ties with a MEGA leadership... ...
https:/ /uk.yah sports/ news/ir ish-box er-john -cooney -dies-2 1510901 7.html R I P John ...
Dominic Cummings Says he orchestrated Boris Johnson's Downfall Because Johnson was vandalising the Country. Cummings also took a swipe at Johnsons latest wife Carrie and says she and her friends... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c5y7zp erkelo I'm not really bothered by what he said, we all use hyperbole from time to time, probably didn't mean it literally. What worries me is we have a... ...
This one made me laugh - it has a simple solution. https:/ / ecourie /fp/new s/dunde e/51788 11/read ers-hav e-their -say-br oughty- ferry-r ailway- bridge/ ? ...
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 4375823 /Labour -minist er-SACK ED-vile -jibe-s aying-h opes-pe nsioner s-dont- vote-pa rty-die -electi on-expo se-raci st-sexi st-mess ml ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /ce8jpj 3z3n2o It seems they saw Miliband coming. Funny how we always seem to have money to give to foriegners or waste on silly ideas and contraptions but our... ...
But actually says nothing as he finds a way to earn again. https:/ / /news/a rticles /c2l02w 4x8yqo ...
A real vote-catcher this ? 🙄 Caribbean officials are demanding trillions of pounds from the UK as the Foreign Office is said to be open to reparations for slavery. David Lammy's office is expected... ...