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Editor's Blog

Welcome to the Editor's blog. Here is the place to ask questions about The AnswerBank.

If you need to get in touch with the Editor privately, please email:

theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk

If you find something you don't like on The AnswerBank, or something that breaks the rules, please use the report button!

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The AnswerBank has a few moderators. Some are known publicly and others aren't. We have created a list of publicly known moderators to help establish them in case anyone needs support or help. If you...
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Dear AnswerBank Community, I wanted to write to you all to explain a new feature that we have rolled out across The AnswerBank, and, most importantly, to why we have chosen to do so. I am of course...
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To request amendments to the swear filter?
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With all the spam posted in the early hours. 🙄
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no update since march
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You ask me to change my avatar but I've had it for a week, why now? Also at least one other user has copied it. I don't want to get the balme for them.
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ToraToraTora "To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and... ...
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It seems only to apply to some of us. I do actually agree with both these but the... ...
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Why is it so difficult getting unto AB on your mobile phone  Any passing folk will probably just give up and move on 
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be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?
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ToraToraTora   ...
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//Any post asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed.  This thread will be removed shortly.// I wasn't asking why a... ...
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I've just had a thread closed and had to repost because the title was not sufficiently boring. I try and bring a bit of light and shade, even some humour yet there seems to be an element here... ...

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