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Sponsored Article Guidelines

14:30 Fri 16th Jun 2017 |
The AnswerBank is a friendly questions and answers site with around 300,000 active members. We welcome well-written sponsored articles which provide our users with interesting and useful information. With around 1 million page views per month, writing an article for The AnswerBank is a great way to have your voice heard and promote your business.

Why Advertise with The AnswerBank

  • - 1.3 million pageviews per month
  • - Over 300,000 active members
  • - A Domain Authority of 52
  • - Sponsored articles will remain on the site for a minimum of 12 months and usually indefinitely

Sponsored articles are a form of advertising, and they are identified as such with a statement at the top of the article: “This is a sponsored article, brought to you by [company name].”

Sponsored articles are priced at £100 plus VAT. This amount will be invoiced to you via PayPal once we have agreed on a final draft of your article.

Email theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk or use our contact form to discuss working with us.


As per Google's SEO guidelines, we do not offer dofollow links for sponsored posts - any links included in the article or your bio/company information will be nofollow. This is to protect both our site and yours from being penalised in search rankings.

When you send us an enquiry, please provide as much information as possible – who are you, if you represent a company who do you represent, and what do you want to write about? If you already have a title or draft article written up already, please send it to us with your initial enquiry. If not, please send us a few titles or theme ideas to choose from.

Articles should be original and unique – please don’t send us anything that is already available elsewhere on the web.

Articles should be well-written, and articles with a poor standard of English will not be accepted. The AnswerBank reserves the right to edit guest articles for spelling and grammar. If bigger changes are required, we will notify you of this before we publish the article.

Please bear in mind that the majority of our members are based in the UK. This means that articles should be written in UK English rather than US English, and the content should be relevant to UK residents.

While we welcome articles on a vast number of themes, there are a few subjects which we will not consider. Subjects we will usually reject include, but are not limited to the following:

  • - Gambling and Licensed Gaming
  • - Unsavoury "Dating" Sites
  • - Alternative Therapies and Medicine
  • - Cryptocurrency and Forex
  • - CBD oil and similar products
  • - Weight-loss and dieting "tricks" and "remedies"
If you are unsure, please get in touch to ask.

The editor’s decision is final.

Please email your enquiry to theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk or use our contact form.

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