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Does anyone like the bus?

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AB Editor | 14:40 Mon 05th Sep 2011 | Editor's Blog
181 Answers
Are we pro bus?
[Edit: For Future reference, this post is about a classy double-decker bus logo. As such I am inserting it here]


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My old age, not the buses' old age.
Never take it Ed, but the number 700 coastliner from Brighton to Portsmouth... and back again is apparently brilliant and serves the local people here in the south well. :0)
I like free bus travel now I'm on the Government Payroll :)
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I've changed the logo to those who have not spotted the bus just yet. Another will be along shortly I imagine.
why a London bus as the logo?
Ooops, just noticed it.
No. I absolutely hate it. I would rather walk/cycle miles than get on a bus. It's just so embarrassing and always full of riff raff.
Just the thought of standing at a bus stop makes me shudder.

I never understand it when I go out with friends and they say they're getting the "late bus" home. Er... that's what taxis are for!
OOOOH aren't we thick!! Just seen the bus logo - big red bus - does its wheels go round and round?
-- answer removed --
p.s I will further add that i like Bertie The Bus from Thomas the Tank Engine :0)
AB Ed, is it possible to number it 73, at that London bus route has reverted to the double deckers, at long last, and they have got rid of the horrible bendy, not so trendy buses, at least i think so..
What was the logo before - I'm not very observant!
Can't recall what was there before. Sorry it's old age!
Just to add to that though.. I do use them in foreign country's... mainly due to the fact I'll never see those people ever again.
I think we should have a picture of Murphy and adopt him as the site mascot
I could get a bus in one direction once a week on a Tuesday, and in the other direction once a week on a Thursday. But I first have to walk half a mile or so to a bus stop in the middle of nowhere. No buses come near me.

Am I pro bus? Well, I never see one!!
And I am entitled to free bus travel now (fat lot of good that is!!)
oohhh the logo! Now I feel dumb. Didn't even notice it.

I don't really get it, but it's ok.
All of our buses are named after famous local people.

Actually, some are not all that famous. I think they ran out of really well known people.

Anne of Cleves is one. I didn't know she was from round here.
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This is probably the best feedback thread we've ever done.

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