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AnswerBank Badges: An Update

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AB Editor | 09:09 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
415 Answers
Good morning.

As some of you may be aware we have a new badge system implemented in The AnswerBank.

See full feature list here: http://www.theanswerb...Question1166360-9.htm

We closed the site for around 4 hours last night to try and get it all up and working - we've managed part of that!

* Badges can be found on your profile under the badge tab.
* You can see the badge of others on their profile - just click their avatar!
* Best answers can now be seen on public and private profiles

For example, see my two badges here: http://www.theanswerb...ers/ab-editor/badges/

The script which runs to generate all badge instances is still running, so expect some fluctuation regarding the number of badges you have gained!

Until the script finishes this page will be empty: but when it has completed there will be a list of all badges available and how to achieve them.

Here's the short version of how to get each: (NOTE: some of the numbers required have changed)

Debate Topics: News, Society & Culture, Religion and Spirituality
Long Thread: any thread with 60+ answers

Single Case Badges: (Badge with no bronze/gold/silver rankings)

Acolyte: made 100 posts to this thread: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1066858.html
The Motson: 20+ best answers in Football
The Delia: Achieved by achiving both The Motson and any level Michelian star
O.B.N. (Order of the Brown Nose): 15+ best answers marked by AB Editor
The Alan Shearer Punditry Trophy: 200+ answers in Sport and/or it's subsections without recieving a best answer for any of them. (Should this be taken away once a best answer is achieved)
Quick Draw: 10+ best answers which are also the first answers of the thread.
Gobshite - > 99% of posts in Chatterbank

3-Tier Badges: (Badges with bronze/gold/silver rankings)

Debator: taken part in 20/50/70 "Long Threads" in Debate topics
Great Host: Provided 33% of answers on 10/20/50 "Long Threads" they originated
Michelian Star: 10/20/50 best answers in Recipes
Newscaster: Posted 50/70/150 questions in News and/or Current Affairs
Chatterbox - More than 500/1000/5000 posts in Chatterbank
Healer - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Body & Soul (and its sub-topics)
Puzzler - More than 20/50/100 best answers in Quizzes and Puzzles
Legal Eagle - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Law
Agoniser - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Relationships & Dating
Nerd - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Technology (and its sub-topics)
1337ist - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Gaming
Jock - More than 10/20/50 best answers in Sport (and its sub-topics)

In short - we know it's not perfect - but we'll get there sooner rather than later. In the mean-time please:

1. Report any issues you're having here
2. Ask any questions about the upgrade here
3. Hurl general abuse at me here


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Seriously Ed, 300+ answers and you can't pick a best one??
16:08 Wed 05th Sep 2012
Computers, Computers, Computers.!!!!!!!!!!!
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Having issues Ron?
The long service badge awards could be a problem for you ED.

In the early days of AB there was a problem with imposters and several of us long timers were forced to change our nom de plumes & re-register.
I recall that Shaneystar had to change hers twice.
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Possibly true Kaya - but there is little we can do about the past and this would allow at least some of those members to be recognised.
No Ed.....My Computer is fine.:-)

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Well I don't understand your outburst then. Please keep to the general theme of the thread.
-- answer removed --
lol @ username! ^
Ron, do yourself a favour mate and go for a walk round the block...
" Please keep to the general theme of the thread."

Sorry Ed, I thought I was.

You did say.."In short - we know it's not perfect - but we'll get there sooner rather than later."

And I honestly thought that I was assisting your putting issues right.

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"Computers, Computers, Computers.!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, I can see how you think that's helpful....
awww, poor Ron, I do think it's about time he stepped away from the puter and allowed the sensible, nice, Viv on occasionally!
Can I report humbersloop for being 'heightist'?
Just realised I have a gold badge for debating (talking too much actually!!)
Ron, how can you decline a badge, when the rest of us are getting so exercised about it...?!

Ed, is there a category for "most advice with the expression eBay in the title"?
Why does a technology expert get a perjorative 'nerd' badge? May I suggest 'moron', 'sad git', ,bleeding heart', 'sky pilot' and 'know all' for some of the other categories. :-)
Exercised Boxtops? I am not doing any exercise whatsoever!! ;o)
Question Author
"Ed, is there a category for "most advice with the expression eBay in the title"?"

I wonder if we can do that kind of thing... I'll find out for tomorrow :)
Technology isn't just computers and mobile phones by the way.
what about... one for the over a certain number of posts in the site (questions and/or answers)? some of us have done thousands over the years.

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