Can we have a bickering section? in The AnswerBank: Editor's Blog
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Can we have a bickering section?

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flobadob | 22:42 Sat 29th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
10 Answers
I've noticed a lot of times, especially in the S&C and R&S sections, two or three people will go off on a tangent from the original question and start arguing banally among themselves. Wouldn't it be nice if they could go off and have a little back and forth amongst themselves somewhere else, where the rest of us don't have to read through their self indulgence?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Ooh just read that as "Can we have a bickering session?"
Is this the right room for an arguement?
I thought Bickering was in North Yorkshire.......
You don't have to read through their bickering flobadob. As soon as you realise what they are doing you can miss out their posts.
No one would be able to resist looking, and maybe take sides flobadob
If they wander from the original subject, and it's not in Chatterbank, report them.................
Harsh but true craft
Discussions evolve - that's the nature of discussion. Lectures are something different.
..................and Pickering's a lovely place :-)
Depends on what they are bickering about and how they are doing it, really, doesn't it. Sometimes it can be quite entertaining.
Question Author
Well if there was a bickering section I would like all non-participants to have ringside seats.

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Can we have a bickering section?

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