Internet Explorer Posting Issues in The AnswerBank: Editor's Blog
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Internet Explorer Posting Issues

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AB Editor | 10:55 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | Editor's Blog
2 Answers
Good day,

If you've had problems recently joining in on discussions or asking questions, and you're an Internet Explorer 9 or 10 users here's your solution:

Click the torn piece of paper next to the web address to rectify the problem.

For those that don't know: when compatibility mode gets involved some members face this issue when writing their questions:

Note: confused character count & greyed-out submit button.

To fix the issue, simply click the torn piece of paper next to the address bar. It looks like this:

I hope that sorts out the issue for those of you using IE 9 or 10

If you'd like to try a different browser, why not try Chrome?:


Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Right... in the same vein, Mr. (or Ms.) ED, I complained a few weeks ago about the time required to access my 'Answers' section under 'Profile'. It still takes a moderate amount of time but I attribute any gain to my brand new Apple iMac-Mini computer rather than to any 'fiddling' with the system by the Geeks...

At any rate, thanks!
I think it's just because you've kindly provided so many answers, Clanad. I too find mine take a while to load. If only the system could divide mine into "useful and properly spelt" and "pointless blather", and at least provide the former quickly...

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