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I Am Going To Email Ed

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Tilly2 | 07:33 Tue 02nd Sep 2014 | Editor's Blog
70 Answers
But I'm unsure about the salutation. Is it Dear Ed or Dear Auntie?

Do we now have two Eds, or has Ed been replaced by Auntie?


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Any ideas?
I didn't know we have two Eds now Tilly. In any scenario I imagine ' Dear Ed' would be fine though:)
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\\\\\Is it Dear Ed or Dear Auntie? \\\

Depends....if you email during the week it is...."Dear Ed."

If you email at the weekend, it is "Dear Auntie"

So they tell me.....;-)
Does it matter? Dear Ed would be fine, anything I've seen posted by AB Editor has a very masculine quality..
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Have you not noticed ABAuntie, kval?

I'm sure Dear Ed would be fine, as you say.
You have the same number of Eds here, we've just given one her own persona on here so she can speak more directly to you.

Much of the "Q&P round up" and "Onwards & Downwards" stuff has almost always been done by ABAuntie - we've just not marked it out as that.

And we are now.

We're quite glad someone noticed :)

"Dear Ed" is fine, whoever you're talking to :)
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I only noticed thr new Auntie when another ABer pointed her out to me. So, it depends on the day of the week? I see, thanks.
Not quite right Sqad, but it'll do :)
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Well, that's a bit clearer. Thank you, Ed.
Call me naive....but why and in what circumstances would one want or need to email the Ed?
"So, it depends on the day of the week? I see, thanks."

No. It doesn't depend on the day of the week.

To keep it simple, always email "The Ed" as you normally might.

The Auntie is there to make it less confusing when "I" change the tone/style of my writing from one answer to another :) post was a joke........gawd blimey...........
Tilly....ABAuntie has a beard and a wooden spoon.....a big wooden spoon...... the beard's not to be sniffed at either..... be careful....... ;-
Maybe you want to make a thread "Sticky" Sqad? Or you have spotted a bug?

All sorts of things really.
Or ask why a thread has been removed?
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Well, it seemed like a possibility, sqad.

I do like to get things right. A failing of mine, I'm afraid. :-)
\\\\Maybe you want to make a thread "Sticky" Sqad?\\\

"Or ask why a thread has been removed?"

You can ask, but you won't get an answer :)
So Ed, we have a female Ed eh?

C'mon wot's she like?

Silk blouse and tight skirt type?

Thick skirt and brogues with no sense of humour?

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