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AB Editor | 15:39 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | Editor's Blog
459 Answers
Good afternoon,

Please aim your questions and feedback squarely at me, on the question!


(If you're having trouble answering for some reason, please get in touch: [email protected] )


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Naomi.. you might be having problems with your browser caching since the update. i.e Internet explorer is still showing you the version of the site before the update. Please try pressing CTRL+F5 together on your keyboard to clear the cache, and try again? I had the same issue on my PC with Internet Explorer 11, but it was resolved after the cache clearing.
13:47 Fri 03rd Feb 2017
This absolutely useless, wont accept my question, cant find anything, whyever have your changed what worked perfectly wee?
Can't type anything on here using my Lenovo phablet, the screen freezes and nothing happens! So when I am partaking of my morning cafe con leche at a pavement cafe in the sun, I will not be able to be in contact with AB. :0 (
Hi Ive done what you said regarding the iPad settings.... Your site really doesn't like my iPad now! It's VERY slow, when scrolling there is a lot of white space, lots of content missing. Took a good while to load a page and can't keep up with my typing speed (and I'm not that fast at typing!) page is all ok once loaded, all within the boxes!
I'm using an iPad and the text is not staying within the boxes. I've cleared the Safari history and cookies and logged in again but it doesn't seem to have improved much.

Help please!
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For some reason, the first time you visit it is a little sticky - especially after the cache clear. It speeds up however.

Some have even dared to suggest that it's faster.
Exactly what Lisa said ^
I wish there were like and dislike buttons, then I could like the ones with the same problems as me!
Once you find out where everything is it's not bad. I agree with what has been said on another thread, that gender should be shown in the profiles simply because we will know whether to refer to a poster as he or she.
Question and answer text is too large. Have to go down to 75% zoom for it to read easily, and then other text is too small.
The complete white background is poor, making it hard to focus on the relevant questions and answers. On the old website it was much easier to distinguish the question from the answers, and to spot held questions like the Editor's monthly quiz list (which was a different colour from the rest).
I guess I'll get used to it, but on first glance I prefer the previous version.
It remains to be seen whether the new version suffers from the same locking up caused by advert re-loading that the old website experienced.
please revert back to old answerbank PLEASE
Ctrl +F5 not doing anything for me on iMac, but early days.
They're hardly going to revert back after spending so much time on it.
Seems perfectly OK from here
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slaney - could be the command key + f5 on a mac?
I love having my avatar displayed in the answer box!

No mistakes when visiting abers decide to cleverly answer a really technical question and I have to spend the rest of the post pretending I know something.... :-)
Thanks Ab Editor, but that activates something called VoiceOver...
will get used to it once I can find stuff..main gripe is CB should be on top string....
An alternative to Ctrl + f5 is right click then scroll down to reload.
Ctrl + F5 is not an option on some tablets, so if a user hasn't got the f keys, they should use Ctrl+Alt and the search (Like magnifying glass) key on their keyboard to refresh their browser
I didn't see you there jackdaw, the comments are bigger than my screen, I may minimise my page

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