Yes, would be interesting. Would need to contain the options
. I'm not voting out of apathy
. I'm not voting because all political parties are untrustworthy
. I'm not voting because we'll be out of the EU shortly
Anne, that is usually my response in general elections... they all just lie. But I agree, this would be an interesting poll.
Also, whether anyone has actually changed their mind since the referendum...
I think it should be a straightforward vote with all the parties listed as they will be on the ballot sheet. The apathetic/disgruntled can add their comments to the thread - that's if they're not too apathetic/disgruntled to bother. :o)
1 and 3 for me, will be honest and admit I've never voted in MEP elections. It would be interesting to have an AB poll on whether you'd change your vote in a second referendum on EU membership though.
The "spoilt paper" option has been mentioned a lot lately.
There is absolutely no point in bothering to go to the polling station to spoil your paper. Whilst they are counted and the total published when the result is declared, they are not seen by anybody other than the scribes counting the slips and even if the majority of papers are spoiled it does not effect the outcome of the poll. What is needed is an option to vote for "None of the Above" and if that option attracts the most votes then none of the above are elected.
/// Whilst they are counted and the total published when the result is declared, they are not seen by anybody other than the scribes counting the slips//
I dont know where this one gets his law from.
If the scribble is near a candidate - the candidates ahve a hoolie about whether it counts as a vote
yup so if you write "wonker" over the Tarmy Robinson option the candidates really do discuss whether this is a vote for Tarmy
( or used to: a fren' was an agent for the Liberals and he came out with that)
Brian Redhead(*) was in a spat about this and people looking at his ballot - and this was one circumstance that was mentioned
(*) in the good old days when Beeb announcers were ponsey and were a cut above the rest of us rather than the essex accented media wonders we have now
Hey did anyone notice 0800 radio 4 the architect I M Pei had designed the Loov(*) building whose shape was no less than pe'-ram-MY-dill. It deserves a look-at in case you dont know what that shape is
(*) Paree - everyone kno dat
The referendum wasn't flawed. In fact, i think it was the most straightforward vote we have ever had, one vote per person. Pure democracy.
An AB poll is just out of interest though... if you aren't bothered, you don't need to look at the results x
// we think that there are a few too many options to choose from.// - ed
and the average ABer will get tired before he gets to the end of the list. o lardy dah
she obviously knows about the unwritten three-word-sentence rule on AB. Innit?