This is not something we will be looking into. Many members wish to change their username for anonymity reasons. However, this would not resolve the anonymity issue as the URL of your profile would still contain your old username.
It could also be confusing for other members if your new username is completely different and people no longer recognise you.
It would require too much development work to implement a system where members could change their usernames and for it to not negatively affect our system.
If members really do wish for a new identity, our only recommendation is to go "User_Inactive" and create a new account. However, if you do this, it's important to note that you will not be able to use the same email address or be able to access your account once it is "User_Inactive".
Baldric I see you are back to your day job as the spelling policeman,Baldric here is something to occupy your brain cell,Dave King a singer actor and comedian sang a song I thought very apt in regards to Baldric.
In any event i wasn't asking for the facility to change your username as and when you wished ( as you can with your avatar ) - it would be a one off change
That is what was offered by AB towers previously
It must have been considered viable - or why else were we offered the chance to and some had their wishes granted , but not others ?
Totally agree, we were once given the chance to change our names, and due to the fact that some were not using my name fully correctly, but shortening it in an insulting manner, I also asked for mine to be changed, but wasn't granted the privilege.
I don't know why some names were changed and others weren't back then but I believe it was something that had to be requested within a certain period of time, and this may or may not be the reason. It unfortunately isn't something we are able to offer at the moment.