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Which feature, if any, would you rather see implemented first on The AnswerBank?

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AB Editor | 15:58 Tue 14th Jun 2022 | Editor's Blog
154 Answers

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  • Ability to upload images into questions and answers. - 43 votes
  • 34%
  • Ability to modify the format of text within questions an answers, including emojis. - 30 votes
  • 23%
  • Ability to upvote answers which will have an affect on the "Best Answer". - 29 votes
  • 23%
  • Other, I will say below. - 26 votes
  • 20%

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Rest assured, Ed/Spare Ed whatever you decide will be wrong ;)
20:35 Tue 14th Jun 2022
overall I'd say leave as is. It ain't broke don't fix it.
LadyLaLa, because is explains ‘upvoting’ to those who, like me, didn’t have a clue what it meant.
How about "most helpful answer", as outside of CB and news we are often giving advice or leads to helpful solutions. The upvote idea would cause more friction and might become a popularity contest. On AB...never!
I personally would like an edit function, as I often realise I'd not worded something diplomatically or have left out important information...and it loses its meaning if added later. Or, is just ignored or never seen.
A working italics ...

Automated thread starters, e.g. "Night night from The AnswerBank" at say 11PM and "Good Morning early birds" at say 6AM so you're not relying on people to get it going ...
agree with JimF on having 3-5 minutes or so to correct typos that only appear when you've clicked on "Answer Now". It's not enough time for the poster to start playing silly games but enough to sort out mistakes. So that's my No 1 answer.

Emojis a close No 2 though there would have to be a limit on the number per post.

I also agree with Gromit and ZM on Best Answers, they're too often mutual back-scratching.
The best answer consisted of two question not two statements
Perhaps spare Ed would add a ‘yes’ to it. Personally I don’t think it’s necessary, but it might be for some.
There are and have been, members who enjoy doing those threads. Others "might" feel they are stepping on their toes.
I hate emojis. I don't even try to see what they are trying to convey.
I just see a blob and skim past.
LadyLaLa...I think you are over thinking.
As per usual, the ability to edit. Remove embarrassing errors, add a missed point, etc. etc. etc.. Without the feeble invalid excuses why it can not be.
The best answer option is silly as the OP has chosen this already.
Uploading images again this does not appeal to me as we can supply links.
I rather like being able to amend a post and would love to be able to add emojis to my post.
I'd like to be able to edit my post in case of a typo.
Ab Editor, since quite a few people (including me) have argued in favour of a brief opportunity to amend posts to remove typos etc, could you add this as one of the options?

Any edited post could perhaps have an asterisk saying "edited" to deter any funny business. I've seen this work fine on other sites.
I have no desire for emojis myself but times move on and it seems they would be quite popular on here but please could they be limited, say 5 max per post. I've seen them used on other chat sites, especially youtube comments when people add about 10 or 20, all different. Quite pointless and an assault on the eyes.
It's amazing how many times I've re-read my post before clicking "Answer Now", and as soon as it appears there is a glaring mistake or omission staring at me. So I agree with the ability to edit.
Nob head, alert, we do have plenty on here. But nice to have a heads up.
I agree with that, Prudie. Some people go overboard with them. I’d say one or two at most.
I wouldn't mind seeing thumbs up/down buttons on answers given but leave the best answer bit to the OP.

I'd like to use emoji's and also have an easier way to upload images rather than faffing around uploading them onto imgbb etc then uploading them on here. Cut out the middle person.
Upvote - No
Modify text after posting - No. It would make a mockery of any responses posted before the modification. It is just laziness on the part of the posters not to check before submitting.
Add images - possibly/Yes
Emojis - might look really messy and difficult for those like dear woodelf.

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