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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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1. Stop answering questions outside CB with what you consider to be a witty response.
Either provide a relevant answer or don’t post.

2. Stop answering questions outside CB with a link to a music video.
You might think it is amusing, it won’t be.
Khandro – That is why I removed your Johnny Cash/Boy named Sue link the other day.

3. Stop guessing if a new poster is a returnee or a troll.
See point 1.

4. Stop dragging historical animosity around the site.
A lot of posters won’t be aware of what happened. And most posters care even less than that.

5. Be civil where civility is offered.
There is no point in derailing a thread because someone you don’t get on with answered on it.

6. Stop accusing posters of having multiple identities.
See point 1.

7. Remember that someone disagreeing with your POV is not bullying.
Reply like an adult and don’t go crying to the Editorial team.

8. Do not insult others posters by calling them names or altering their usernames.
It is childish and causes bad-feeling.

9. Do not insult other posters because their politics are not the same as yours.
It is childish and causes a lot of off-topic chattering.

10. Do not try to coerce other posters into making wagers based on a political opinion.
This behaviour has no place on a forum like AB – it is bullying.

11. Don’t try to get round the swear-filter. It is there for a reason.
Stop complaining because back slang, spoonerisms and other attempts to get round it are removed.

12. Stop whingeing because you had a comment removed.
You are not Shakespeare, Churchill or Tolstoy and the rest of us will probably get by just fine without reading your contribution.

13. When putting up a question write it in proper English using proper names.
Not trying to work out who Captain Hindsight or Wee Jimmy is may encourage newbies to join in.
Can this be made a sticky please...for everyone to see on any page whether they are posting a question or answer. Thank you.
No idea who 18.23 is but so many good points highlighted.
Very good secret mod!
I agree entirely with the thoughts of my brother/sister moderator.

Succinctly and politely expressed and very useful.
If they are not a mod...they damn well should be!
Is a secret mod like a secret shopper, I do like the idea. Keeps us all on our toes.
Maybe all mods should have an alternative user name for when posting as mods.
I agree with the last few posts.

I am also not very awake and unable to offer anything further at this time.
Good stuff, SecretMod!
I am a Mod but prefer to remain anonymous.

I cleared my use of this name with the previous management and hopefully the new team will allow me to continue on the few occasions I will use it.

Was anyone else tempted to answer with, "Andy, is that you?" :0)

Sorry, couldn't resist. Please delete if out of order.
An excellent post from secret mod. I am fed up with the constant unwarranted sniping on AB and I am sure that many others are too. It drags the site down.
1ozzy, I concur. I don't know if it's people being territorial or just rudeness. It's not called for.
Just what's needed, somebody who knows what's for our own good and likes to share.
I think your statement should replace ABs rules however they are currently expressed. Yours is clear and concise without being condescending.
SECRET MOD, why has it taken almost three year for you to post a comment on here?

I have no idea how many EDs we have had in the past three year but would it not have been better to confirm the present EDs were happy for this to be allowed now, even if a previous ED HAD agreed?
18:44...where is 1ozzy?
I like secret mods response
TheCorbyLoon - I have contacted them again earlier today to explain.

If they have a problem I expect they will let me know.

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