Some very interesting comments in this thread. Two topics which drew my attention.
1. Multiple membership. I once participated in a chat room where one guy did just that and then deliberately carried out screamingly conversations with himself (as amusing as the late Mrs O's little fictional tales). But sadly that's not usually the motivation for duplication on here.
2. Facebook a cess pit. Yes, there is some awful stuff in there but personally I find a lot of it very interesting and useful. Like most such "social" sites, including this one, it is only as good/bad as its members.
And to paraphrase an old proverb, "One man's banter is another man's poison".
Chatterbank's informality and discussion function spread into other topics and the site's solution/chat aspects sit rather uneasily together.
Perhaps the solution is to exercise more self-restraint (and yes, that does apply to me too. I have tried to improve, and will continue to do so - but heart over-rules head at times. I probably need more Sense and less Sensibility (apologies to Jane Austen)).
But (banging my own drum) my recent entry in "Books and Authors" sub-topic is IMHO a good example of a thread free from abuse (currently - so don't go and spoil it LOL) which is very entertaining (speaking personally).
A final plea - if you don't like, or are not taken by a particular thread, just keep away, don't butt in with derogatory remarks ("Strictly" is such a thread in my case, so I just stay away). Yes, I know I used to sin in that respect on Corrie threads, but I've stopped doing that some time ago.
Phew, I think I've said enough, so goodnight friends.