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gulliver1 | 12:04 Tue 18th Apr 2023 | Editor's Blog
100 Answers
Ed Is it allowed for an AB member to hack into another members account to find out personal and private information and then post on Ab divulging and bragging about it...... Is this breaking Site rules ?


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I saw those posts. Are you positive he really did hack your account, he claimed he was joking
Maybe you should contact the Ed privately about this.
He did claim he was joking, Barry but not before he had worried a few who, like me, aren't as tech-savvy as TTT claims he is and be scared off the site.
I've been told it's unlikely he has done it but who knows. He may have been lying about hacking or the "it was a joke" could have been another lie.
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13 31 Have contacted Ed three times ,,,No reply
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13 32 Yes he did hack into my account. The claim of just joking was an attempt to get off the hook.
Don’t think your AB account has anything personal on it.
//Yes he did hack into my account. The claim of just joking was an attempt to get off the hook.//

Thats quite an accusation, I hope you have proof or you could find yourself in a bit of bother.
Gully. The best way to contact the ed and getting a reply is to use the contact us facility right at the bottom of the page in the red section. You can contact him from any email address. The other method doesnt seem to work.
I doubt if anonymous remarks about another anonymous would lead to much bother.
Possibly not Atheist, but I must say a direct accusation like that on Social Media is one I would avoid. Unless true and I could prove it of course.

The profile will show a name and an e-mail address which is personal data so it is, potentially, not anonymous.
Gness, I wouldn't worry about hacking on this site. Most 'techies' cant do it anyway and honestly is there anything on here of any use?

I was trained to do it as part of prevention but not all are, so relax and enjoy AB.
Apologies, you were meaning remarks made about another member.
I am trying to understand how you know he hacked in to your account.
I don't think I would know unless the password was changed or posts I hadn't typed appeared on AB
as I recall, a list of ABers did appear once, with usernames and email addresses, some of which were personal names. I can't remember whether they were hacked or an Editor just left the door open over the weekend; but anyway, it's a possibility.
I would be surprised if the account had been hacked but it is not the sort of thing to make a joke about anyway.
Jno, I remember that. A big blooper at AB Towers as I recall. Fortunately short-lived.
No need to tell me to relax, Young. I have Dave to ask about anything I don't understand.
However, when TTT posted that he now knows where Gulliver lives as he has hacked into his account I had a few messages from members asking if Dave could tell them if this is at all possible. We haven't all been trained to know what can or cannot be done.
True or joking it's not making the site very attractive.
OK, was only trying to put your mind at rest. Nothing more.

I'll leave it there.
I have not hacked your account, if I did I'd use your ID to post a link. It was a throw away comment, just part of our ongoing duel like this post of yours is and you know it. You are just trying to get rid of a thorn in your side so you have less resistance to your daily BS.

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