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Bit Fed Up With Ab

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smurfchops | 15:42 Wed 28th Feb 2024 | Editor's Blog
14 Answers

Fed up with my screen dimming when I haven't logged in.  Fed up with all the pop ups.  Just want to read questions and answers.  I don't want adverts or anything else please Ed!  Getting very annoying...



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Strange...I don't have any of the problems you mention.

Nor me

install Ublock origin.

If you stay logged in you won't have that issue.


I keep getting the contribute to answerbank one

I don't log out

you mean to say ?

you dont want to know which are the best cbd gummies ?

You will only get served advertisements if you are not logged in to an AnswerBank account. 

Well as far as I am aware I am permanently logged in ?

Just got it again. Just next to the donate box - top right it says view profile or log out so I assume I must be logged in. Can you please confirm Spare ed

The contribute to AB one is a legitimate internal request we all get from time to time. That's not the same as ads and pop-ups. I never get those unless I'm logged out.

It's not from time to time though Prudie it's 8/10 times a day. 

Oh I see, I have seen others say the same from time to time. Perhaps Spare Ed can throw some light?

Thanks Prudie that's what I'm hoping for.

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